ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Table of Contents, Volume 16

Links labeled Abstract below provide access to article pages in the ACM Digital Library containing abstracts, subject indicators, references, reviews, and access to the full text. The BibTeX entry following each title are those found in the TOMS BibTeX bibliography

1990 · Volume 16[ Number 1 ] [ Number 2 ] [ Number 3 ] [ Number 4 ]
March 1990 · Volume 16 · Number 1
Jack J. Dongarra
Jeremy Du Croz
Sven Hammarling
Iain Duff
1 A Set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Jack J. Dongarra
Jeremy Du Croz
Sven Hammarling
Iain Duff
18 Algorithm 679: A Set of Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms: Model Implementation and Test Programs.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Higham:1990:EFM,Demmel:1992:SBA,Dayde:1994:PBI].
Download algorithm 679 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
W. J. Cody29 Performance Evaluation of Programs for the Error and Complementary Error Functions.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
G. P. M. Poppe
C. M. J. Wijers
38 More Efficient Computation of the Complex Error Function.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
G. P. M. Poppe
C. M. J. Wijers
47 Algorithm 680: Evaluation of the Complex Error Function.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 680 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
David C. Arney
Joseph E. Flaherty
48 An Adaptive Mesh-Moving and Local Refinement Method for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
N. L. Schryer72 Designing Software for One-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Eldon R. Hansen
Merell L. Patrick
Richard L. C. Wang
86 Polynomial Evaluation with Scaling.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Dennis M. Snow94 Weyl Group Orbits.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Granville Sewell109 Remark on ``Algorithm 657: Software for Plotting Contour Surfaces of a Function of Three Variables''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Sewell:1988:ASP].
June 1990 · Volume 16 · Number 2
Stavros A. Zenios113 Integrating Network Optimization Capabilities into a High-Level Modeling Language.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Keith Meintjes
Alexander P. Morgan
143 Chemical Equilibrium Systems as Numerical Test Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
R. Baker Kearfott
Manuel Novoa III
152 Algorithm 681: INTBIS, a Portable Interval Newton/ Bisection Package.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 681 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
A. Murli
M. Rizzardi
158 Algorithm 682: Talbot's Method for the Laplace Inversion Problem.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 682 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Donald E. Amos169 Computation of Exponential Integrals of a Complex Argument.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Donald E. Amos178 Algorithm 683: A Portable FORTRAN Subroutine for Exponential Integrals of a Complex Argument.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 683 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
September 1990 · Volume 16 · Number 3
Ping Tak Peter Tang185 Accurate and Efficient Testing of the Exponential and Logarithm Functions.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
J. R. Cash
Alan H. Karp
201 A Variable Order Runge-Kutta Method for Initial Value Problems with Rapidly Varying Right-Hand Sides.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Shlomo Weiss
James E. Smith
223 A Study of Scalar Compilation Techniques for Pipelined Supercomputers.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Albrecht Preusser246 Efficient Formulation of a Bivariate Nonic C2-Hermite Polynomial on Triangles.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Albrecht Preusser253 Algorithm 684: C1- and C2-Interpolation on Triangles with Quintic and Nonic Bivariate Polynomials.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 684 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Orit Shacham
Mordechai Shacham
258 Finding Boundaries of the Domain of Definition for Functions Along a One-Dimensional Ray.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
K. Aiyappan Nair269 An Improved Algorithm for Ordered Sequential Random Sampling.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Oscar Palacios-Vélez
Baltazar Cuevas Renaud
275 A Dynamic Hierarchical Subdivision Algorithm for Computing Delaunay Triangulations and Other Closest-Point Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Fred T. Krogh293 ACM Algorithms Policy.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
December 1990 · Volume 16 · Number 4
Alex Pothen
Chin-Ju Fan
303 Computing the Block Triangular Form of a Sparse Matrix.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Linda Kaufman
Daniel D. Warner
325 Algorithm 685: A Program for Solving Separable Elliptic Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 685 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Nicholas J. Higham352 Exploiting Fast Matrix Multiplication Within the Level 3 BLAS.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; Describes algorithms based on Strassen's method which are asymptotically faster than the standard N3 algorithm, and in practice, faster for Napprox100, and examines their numerical stability. See [Dongarra:1990:ASL,Demmel:1992:SBA,Dayde:1994:PBI].
L. Reichel
W. B. Gragg
369 Algorithm 686: FORTRAN Subroutines for Updating the QR Decomposition.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 686 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Ping Tak Peter Tang378 Table-Driven Implementation of the Logarithm Function in IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Tim Hopkins
David Morse
401 Remark on ``Algorithm 620: References and Keywords for Collected Algorithms of the ACM''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Rice:1984:ARK,Hamilton:1985:RRK].
D. E. Amos404 Remark on ``Algorithm 644: A Portable Package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Amos:1986:APP,Amos:1995:RAP].
B. S. Garbow
J. N. Lyness
405 Remark on ``Algorithm 662: A FORTRAN Software Package for the Numerical Inversion of the Laplace Transform Based on Weeks' Method''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Garbow:1988:AFS].

The bibliography is provided courtesy of the BibNet Project.