ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Table of Contents, Volume 13

Links labeled Abstract below provide access to article pages in the ACM Digital Library containing abstracts, subject indicators, references, reviews, and access to the full text. The BibTeX entry following each title are those found in the TOMS BibTeX bibliography

1987 · Volume 13[ Number 1 ] [ Number 2 ] [ Number 3 ] [ Number 4 ]
March 1987 · Volume 13 · Number 1
W. H. Enright
J. D. Pryce
1 Two FORTRAN Packages for Assessing Initial Value Methods.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Enright:1989:CFP].
W. H. Enright
J. D. Pryce
28 Algorithm 648: NSDTST and STDTST: Routines for Assessing the Performance of IV Solvers.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 648 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Vangalur S. Alagar
David K. Probst
35 A Fast, Low-Space Algorithm for Multiplying Dense Multivariate Polynomials.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Jeffrey Scott Vitter58 An Efficient Algorithm for Sequential Random Sampling.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Thomas A. Foley68 Interpolation with Interval and Point Tension Controls Using Cubic Weighted v-Splines.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Foley:1988:CIP].
G. Giunta
A. Murli
97 Algorithm 649: A Package for Computing Trigonometric Fourier Coefficients Based on Lyness's Algorithm.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 649 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
June 1987 · Volume 13 · Number 2
Wayne R. Dyksen
Calvin J. Ribbens
113 Interactive ELLPACK: An Interactive Problem-Solving Environment for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Panos M. Pardalos133 Generation of Large-Scale Quadratic Programs for Use as Global Optimization Test Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Kenneth C. Johnson138 Algorithm 650: Efficient Square Root Implementation on the 68000.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Johnson:1987:CES].
Download algorithm 650 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Alexander Morgan
Vadim Shapiro
152 Box-Bisection for Solving Second-Degree Systems and the Problem of Clustering.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Morgan:1987:CBS].
John F. Monahan168 An Algorithm for Generating Chi Random Variables.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Johnson:1987:CES,Monahan:1988:CAG].
Joseph W. H. Liu173 A Partial Pivoting Strategy for Sparse Symmetric Matrix Decomposition.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Fred T. Krogh183 ACM Algorithms Policy.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
September 1987 · Volume 13 · Number 3
R. Baker Kearfott197 Some Tests of Generalized Bisection.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Kearfott:1988:CTG].
Ronald F. Boisvert221 A Fourth-Order-Accurate Fourier Method for the Helmholtz Equation in Three Dimensions.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Ronald F. Boisvert235 Algorithm 651: Algorithm HFFT-- High-Order Fast-Direct Solution of the Helmholtz Equation.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Johnson:1987:CES].
Download algorithm 651 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Joseph W. H. Liu250 On Threshold Pivoting in the Multifrontal Method for Sparse Indefinite Systems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
A. Corana
M. Marchesi
C. Martini
S. Ridella
262 Minimizing Multimodal Functions of Continuous Variables with the ``Simulated Annealing'' Algorithm.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Corana:1989:CMF].
Layne T. Watson
Stephen C. Billups
Alexander P. Morgan
281 Algorithm 652: HOMPACK: A Suite of Codes for Globally Convergent Homotopy Algorithms.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 652 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
R. J. Hanson
F. T. Krogh
311 Algorithm 653: Translation of Algorithm 539: PC-BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for FORTRAN Usage with the INTEL 8087, 80287 Numeric Data Processor.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Lawson:1979:ABL,Dodson:1982:RBL,Dodson:1983:CRB,Louter-Nool:1988:ATA].
Download algorithm 653 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Armido R. DiDonato
Alfred H. Morris Jr.
318 Algorithm 654: FORTRAN Subroutines for Computing the Incomplete Gamma Function Ratios and their Inverse.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 654 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Kenneth C. Johnson320 Corrigendum: ``Algorithm 650: efficient square root implementation on the 68000'' [ACM Trans. Math. Software 13 (1987), no. 2, 138--151].
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Johnson:1987:AES,Monahan:1987:AGC,Boisvert:1987:AAH].
December 1987 · Volume 13 · Number 4
Ilan Bar-On323 A Practical Parallel Algorithm for Solving Band Symmetric Positive Definite Systems of Linear Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Willi Schönauer
Eric Schnepf
333 Software Considerations for the ``Black Box'' Solver FIDISOL for Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
David P. Ahlfeld
John M. Mulvey
Ron S. Dembo
Stavros A. Zenios
350 Nonlinear Programming on Generalized Networks.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Alexander Haas368 The Multiple Prime Random Number Generator.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Michael H. Schneider382 The Expanding Equilibrium Algorithm.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Sylvan Elhay
Jaroslav Kautsky
399 Algorithm 655: IQPACK: FORTRAN Subroutines for the Weights of Interpolatory Quadratures.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 655 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Alexander Morgan
Vadim Shapiro
416 Corrigendum: ``Box-Bisection for Solving Second-Degree Systems and the Problem of Clustering''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Morgan:1987:BBS].

The bibliography is provided courtesy of the BibNet Project.