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Youth Council Takes Part in Odesa City Policymaking

Young people in Odesa are much like their counterparts elsewhere: they study, work, play sports, and hang out with their friends. But unlike most other young people, many of Odesa’s youth also have a hand in determining their future and even the future of their city. Here, local teens play a very active role in local decision-making thanks to the Odesa Youth Council, initiated by the local civil society organization (CSO) Our Children.

The Youth Council was formed in 2004, and its members are students who are democratically elected by their peers. Close to 100,000 students cast secret ballots at polling stations to elect the current 240-member council from over 900 registered candidates. The Youth Council has become a forum for young people to discuss and solve problems that are important to them and a lobbying group for youth interests. “Together, we can accomplish anything!” is their motto.

Our Children has helped the Youth Council advocate for youth issues and get the word out about their activities. With a USAID-supported Eurasia Foundation grant, the CSO has produced TV programs and public service announcements, held press-conferences, and published articles and a manual on public participation in local-level decision making. It has also conducted trainings on how to lobby during the Odesa city planning and budget process.

In 2005, the Odesa City Council adopted the “Young Community Concept for 2005-2015,” which requires the Council to enter into advance discussions on all pending decisions related to youth issues with the Youth Council. The Youth Council has also drafted a city program called “Young Community,” which was adopted in part by the Odesa City Council and funded from the Odesa city budget. A class on local self-governance has been introduced into public schools.

Thanks to the Youth Council’s advocacy, the Odesa City Council now listens more than ever to what young people have to say before acting on their behalf. This kind of active involvement is essential for groups whose voices often remain unheard.

“When youth is given a voice in decisions that concern them, they can help themselves live better lives. Everything that young people can solve for themselves should be in their hands,” said Vadim Georgienko, founder of Our Children.

Poster challenges Odesa's students: Youth Council awaits you
Poster challenges Odesa’s students: Youth Council awaits you

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:26:58 -0500