Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 1879.02 Transmittal of the International Preliminary Examination Report - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

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1879.02 Transmittal of the International Preliminary Examination Report - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1879.02 Transmittal of the International Preliminary Examination Report

Transmittal, Translation, and Communication of the International Preliminary Examination Report

(1) The international preliminary examination report, together with the prescribed annexes, shall be transmitted to the applicant and to the International Bureau.


Transmittal of the International Preliminary Examination Report

PCT RULE 71.1.

The International Preliminary Examining Authority shall, on the same day, transmit one copy of the international preliminary examination report and its annexes, if any, to the International Bureau, and one copy to the applicant.

PCT RULE 71.2.
Copies of Cited Documents

(a) The request under Article 36(4) may be presented any time during seven years from the international filing date of the international application to which the report relates.

(b) The International Preliminary Examining Authority may require that the party (applicant or elected Office) presenting the request pay to it the cost of preparing and mailing the copies. The level of the cost of preparing copies shall be provided for in the agreements referred to in Article 32(2) between the International Preliminary Examining Authorities and the International Bureau.

(c) [Deleted]

(d) Any International Preliminary Examining Authority may perform the obligations referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) through another agency responsible to it.

The international preliminary examination report is transmitted to the International Bureau using a transmittal Form PCT/IPEA/416. Every effort is made to ensure that the transmittal is effected in sufficient time to reach the International Bureau before the expiration of the time limit set in PCT Rule 69.2.


Form PCT/IPEA/416 must be signed by a primary examiner.

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