United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Contingent Valuation/Recreational Values

Updated 10/16/2008

This web site contains a collection of information for NRCS to use for contingent valuation of recreational activities for watershed planning and other NRCS economic purposes. The Unit Day Method is the most common method used for calculating recreational benefits for NRCS usage, but it is based on 1962 data which provided an average value of $1.00 per day, +/- some quality differences. That 1962 value was indexed to the 1982 values used in P&G by CPI, and these values should be in-turn be indexed to current values by current CPI. This method can be used for insignificant recreational calculations for watershed analysis, but economists should note that the values obtained are highly conservative, averaging perhaps 20% of the current values from actual Recreational Economics studies using other methods. If the recreational benefits have any potential for affecting the selection of the NED or Recommended Plans, economists are highly advised to adopt applicable contingent valuation or travel costs methods.  While the cost and time requirements of obtaining actual survey data on specific proposed NRCS projects is often prohibitive, NRCS economists are encouraged to use the benefit transfer method developed by the US Forest Service.   This Benefit Transfer method was updated in October 2005, and the database was updated to 1,200 values.

Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality:

The US Army Corps of Engineers has a number of survey studies of actual camper, boater, hunter, and visitor expenditures at and around parks, campgrounds, and lakes.

Corps recreation expenditures studies (survey results):

Other recreation expenditure related websites

Other Studies

Number Subject Agency Date
FHW/01-NAT All FS Research Publications In This Database USDA/FS 2002
Adobe Acrobat document2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
Adobe Acrobat documentExecutive Summary
Census USF&W 05-02
paperid=3797 Adobe Acrobat documentThe Value of Sport Fishing in the Snake River Basin of Central Idaho U. Idaho Quinnipiac University 01-02
  IEc's Sportfishing Values Database IEc's Sportfishing Database on the Web IEc/FWS 07-01
Rev.of AgEcon 32,
pgs. 120-132
Adobe Acrobat documentNonpoint Source Pollution and Present Values: A contingent Valuation Study of Lake Mendota UWisc 05-01
BUV Beneficial Use Values Database
Economic Values for Beneficial Uses of Water
RMRS-GTR-72 Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values:  A technical document supporting the Forest Service
Strategic Plan (2000)
FS 06-13-01
EPA EPA Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses EPA 01-19-01
OMBOO Adobe Acrobat documentGuidelines to Standardize Measures of Costs and Benefits and the Format of Accounting Statements OMB 03-22-00
FWS 1996 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation FWS 12-10-99
1706r99 Adobe Acrobat documentProject Planning for Water Quality Concerns (252 KB) S 06-21-99
1801r99 Adobe Acrobat documentGuide for Estimating Participation In Conservation Operations and Watershed Protection Projects (36.7 KB) S 06-21-99
614r99 Adobe Acrobat documentThe Economics of Nutrient and Pest Management (23.5 KB) S 06-21-99
611 Adobe Acrobat documentNRCS National Water Resources Handbook for Economics Part 611 (855 KB) NRCS 07-02-98
300-V-NWSMr98 NRCS National Watersheds Manual NRCS 04-02-98
W2 Adobe Acrobat documentAppraisal and Valuation for Conservation Efforts (182 KB) W 01-01-98
612 NRCS National Resource Economics Handbook, Water Quality Part 612 NRCS
96 Economic Analysis of Federal Regulations
Under Executive Order 12866
OMB 01-11-96
6 Adobe Acrobat documentUsing Economics to Promote Water Quality, A Simplified Example Approach (1.40 MB) MW 09-01-92
MW200L3 Adobe Acrobat documentConservation Options Procedure (COP) (3.81 MB) MW 10-01-88
MW200L2 Adobe Acrobat documentPL566 Land Treatment Evaluation Conservation Options Procedure (COP) (666 KB) MW 05-01-88
W5 Adobe Acrobat documentPL566 Land Treatment Evaluation Conservation Options Procedure W 04-01-88
NEH National Economic Handbook, entire 1986 draft E 08-12-86
WRC Adobe Acrobat documentEconomic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies (1.18 MB) WRC 03-10-83


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