Web Proxy Configuration Instructions

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Internet Explorer PC Users
Netscape Browser 8.x PC Users
Netscape Navigator &
PC Users
FireFox PC Users | Mac Users
Safari Mac Users
Other Software Programs Other

Note:  If you have a question that is not addressed in these pages, please send an email to itdhelp@bnl.gov.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x and up

  • From the main screen, click [Tools], and then select [Internet Options]
  • Select the [Connections] tab
  • Under [Local Area Network (LAN) settings], click on the [LAN Settings] button
  • Make sure [Automatically detect settings] checkbox is the only box selected
  • Click [OK], then [OK] again to close the preferences window
  • That's it!

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Netscape Browser 8.x

  • From the main screen, click [Tools], and then select [Options]
  • Under [Browser Options], select [General]
  • Under [Connection], click [Connection Settings...] button
  • Select [Auto-detect proxy settings for this network]
  • Click [OK], then [OK] again to close the preferences window
  • That's it!


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Netscape Navigator/Communicator

  • From the main screen, click [Edit], and then select [Preferences]
  • Expand the [Advanced] menu by clicking on the sign, and select Proxies
  • Select [Automatic proxy configuration URL]
  • Enter the PAC file URL: http://wpad.bnl.gov/wpad.dat
  • Some users may see a [Reload] button, which they should click
  • Click [Ok] button to save the settings
  • That's it!


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FireFox (Windows/Mac OS X)

For Windows

  • From the main screen, click [Tools], and then select [Options]
  • Click the [Advanced] image and then select the [Network] tab
  • Under [Connection], click the [Settings] button
  • Select [Auto-detect proxy settings for this network]
  • Click [OK], then [OK] again to close the preferences window
  • That's it!

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For Mac OS X

  • From the main screen, click [Firefox], and then select [Preferences]
  • Click the [Advanced] image and then select the [Network] tab
  • Under [Connection], click the [Settings] button
  • Select [Auto-detect proxy settings for this network]
  • Click [OK], then click the red dot to close the preferences window
  • That's it!

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Safari (Mac OS X)

Built-in-Ethernet or AirPort Connection

  • Click on the [Apple] icon on the top-left corner
  • Select [System Preferences...]
  • Under [Internet & Network], click [Network]

The settings below can be applied to both the [Built-in Ethernet] and [AirPort] settings
From the [Show] drop-down menu, [Built-in Ethernet] or [AirPort]

  • Select the [Proxies] tab

If [Configure Proxies] is set to "Manually"

  • Scroll down and check off [Automatic Proxy Configuration]
  • Enter the PAC file URL: http://wpad.bnl.gov/wpad.dat
  • Click the [Apply Now] button to save your changes
  • Click the red dot to close the [System Preferences...] window

If [Configure Proxies] is set to "Using a PAC file"

  • Enter the PAC file URL: http://wpad.bnl.gov/wpad.dat
  • Click the [Apply Now] button to save your changes
  • Click the red dot to close the [System Preferences...] window

Note: If you are using a browser other than Safari, you will need to edit your preferences for that browser to auto-detect proxy settings.

If you are using Mac OS X and have difficulties resolving the name for wpad.bnl.gov you will have to configure your machine to recognize this as a valid domain. This article from Apple.com explains how to make the change: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107800

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Other Software Programs

For most software programs, the proxy auto-configuration script will be sufficient.

Software programs that need a hard coded proxy web address should use the following:

  • Inside BNL - IP Address:, Port: 3128
  • Outside BNL - IP Address:, Port: 3128

If you continue having problems after rebooting, please contact the ITD Helpdesk at (631) 344-5522 for assistance.

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Last Modified: January 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Web Services

DOE, Office of ScienceOne of ten national laboratories overseen and primarily funded by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Brookhaven National Laboratory conducts research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry and government researchers. Brookhaven is operated and managed for DOE’s Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates, a limited-liability company founded by Stony Brook University, the largest academic user of Laboratory facilities, and Battelle, a nonprofit, applied science and technology organization.

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