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E-Commerce Initiatives > EPCS  > Public Meeting July 11-12, 2006

Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS)

EPCS Public Meeting 
July 11-12, 2006
Arlington, VA

On Tuesday July 11, and Wednesday, July 12, 2006, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), conducted a public meeting to discuss electronic prescriptions for controlled substances. Specifically, this meeting was intended to allow industry—prescribers, pharmacies, software/hardware vendors, and other interested third parties—to address how electronic prescribing systems can meet DEA’s prescription requirements under the Controlled Substances Act, and HHS’ statutory mandate to facilitate adoption of electronic prescribing under Part D of the Medicare Modernization Act, without unduly burdening the parties to electronic prescribing transactions. This meeting included six panel discussions focused on specific areas of expertise and interest. 

Any questions regarding the conference may be directed to Liaison and Policy Section, at (202) 307-7297.
