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Home > National Security & Emergency Management > Additional Readiness Support > U.S. Department of Energy > Nuclear Incident Team

National Security & Emergency Management

Nuclear Incident Team

Personnel from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) respond as part of the Nuclear Incident Team (NIT) in the event a nuclear or radiological incident requires the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) emergency response assets to respond. The Nuclear Incident Team is DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration's operational cell that helps coordinate the response by:

Two personnel from ORISE are on call 24 hours per day. They are required to respond to DOE Headquarters within two hours of notification.

NIT watch-standers are trained to specific requirements including refined knowledge of DOE’s capabilities and on the use of unique communications systems.

ORISE developed the operational procedures for the NIT. Through a program of exercises and no-notice drills, ORISE continues to improve the NIT’s ability to operate. 

For more information

Andy Page
Director, National Security and Emergency Management Program

Nuclear Incident Team (NIT) Training