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Shoemaker-Levy 9: Fragment W Impact (4 images)
Shoemaker-Levy 9: Fragment W Impact (4 images)
These four images of Jupiter and the luminous night-side impact of fragment W of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 are different versions of an average of 8 images taken by the Galileo spacecraft of July 22, 1994. The frames that were averaged span about 30 seconds near 8:06 UT.

These four "averaged" images show the scene without and with (top and bottom) spatial filtering and contrast enhancement, and without and with (left and right) a latitude/longitude grid. Grid spacing is 30 degrees, with 230 degrees longitude centered. The terminator is at about 265 degrees. The impact location is about 43 degrees south, as predicted, and at 280 degrees longitude. The dark spots to the right of the flash are from previous impacts.

Image Credit: NASA
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