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King County Parks and Recreation Division Trails Destinations Stewardship Opportunities

The Adopt-a-Park program provides opportunities for groups to help improve and maintain King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks' 200 parks and 200 miles of regional trails. As volunteer stewards, you will have a unique opportunity to donate services to your community and enjoy the results of your hard work.

You can help enhance and maintain our public lands through clean-up efforts, tree plantings, weeding, monitoring wildlife and other projects. Your volunteer effort in our parks and on our trails increases public awareness of the importance of protecting our natural resources; generates pride in our park system; and demonstrates a commitment to your community. As a group or business, you can create a better environment for yourself and the next generation.

How Do We Adopt A Park?
Your group can adopt a park or a portion of a trail by volunteering there at least four times over a 12 month period. To adopt a park:

1. Identify a park or trail you would like to adopt and the type of project you would like to complete. If you are not sure what parks and trails are in your area, call our Volunteer Coordinator at 206-296-4452 for more information.

2. Request an application form, complete the application and return it. You will then be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator to discuss the project. Our staff will work with you to identify the project(s) that will provide the greatest benefit to the park and/or trail.

3. Once the "adoption" is approved, you're ready to start. Our Volunteer Coordinator is available to help you with questions and concerns, and will see to it that the Adopt-A-Park signage is displayed reflecting your group's commitment.

We Can't Make A Long-Term Commitment, Can We Still Volunteer?
Absolutely. King County Parks & Recreation sponsors a number of special volunteer events which you can participate in. These include one time clean-up projects, plantings, and trail maintenance projects. We also welcome financial donations, which support the purchase of playground equipment, park tables and planting materials.

For More Information
If you would like additional information on adopting a park or volunteering in King County Parks, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 206-296-4452 or

Park Ambassador Program

The Parks & Trails Ambassador program is perfect for adults who enjoy being outdoors. King County's team of trained Ambassador's will provide parks and trails visitors with friendly and informative parks representatives to answer questions and to ensure parks facilities are in good shape.

Hours are flexible! Volunteers will be asked to donate on average two hours per week at a designated park or trail (100 hours annually). Ambassadors will be easily identifiable to visitors by their Parks & Trails Ambassador fleece vest, t-shirt & hat - provided by REI.

For more information or to get an application, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 206-296-4452 or
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For questions about information on this page, please contact Tina Miller

For questions about the
Parks and Recreation Web Site, please contact Mel Boupharath.

Department of Natural Resources and Parks
Parks and Recreation Division

Updated: April 5, 2005

 Related Information:

Greenhouse Nursery Program

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