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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1:  What is the Governor’s goal in acquiring the 850-acre Turtle Bay property?
A:  The Governor has set the following goals for the acquisition:

(1) Preserve the long-term economic viability of the resort and its workforce, and

(2) Preserve the undeveloped lands to protect the North Shore’s spectacular natural resources and unique country lifestyle.

Q2: Why are the current employees and the long-term viability of the resort important?
A:  There are as many as 700 employees who work and support the operations of the resort, which is the largest employer on the North Shore and an economic engine for sustained prosperity of that community. It is in the public's interest to keep the facility active and viable.  Without the resort, most of those employees who live in Kahuku, La'ie, Sunset Beach, Pupukea, and Hale'iwa would be forced to seek employment elsewhere on the island. A representative of the major employees’ union is on the Governor’s Advisory Working Group.

Q3: Why are the North Shore’s natural resources and country lifestyle important to preserve?

A: A primary part of what makes Hawai‘i so special for residents and visitors from around the world are the places of unparalleled beauty, such as O‘ahu’s North Shore. The Turtle Bay property includes a significant portion of undeveloped land and shoreline that greatly enhances the quality of life for all Hawai‘i residents. Overdevelopment not only destroys the natural resources that the people of the state treasure, but it also detracts from the appeal of visiting Hawai‘i for tourists.

Q4:  Will the State be paying for the entire property?
A:  Although the State may initially purchase the entire property, the Governor does not want the State to own the resort hotel, golf courses, related businesses and condominiums and will meet with those appropriate private entities interested in the property. The Governor's goal is to minimize the expenditure of public funds. Federal funds and private contributions are expected to help the State minimize the ultimate purchase price.

Q5:  Will the State of Hawai‘i run the resort?
A:  The State will not operate or manage the resort. There have been several private entities that have expressed an interest in acquiring both the hotel and golf courses, and it is Governor's goal to sell off various parcels of the resort to pay down any debt that may be incurred in the acquisition and minimize the expenditure of State funds.

Q6:  How is the current foreclosure action taken by Bank Credit Suisse going to affect the Governor's proposal to acquire the Turtle Bay Resort?
A:  It is the Governor's firm belief that the State, if it acts expeditiously and decisively, can accomplish the acquisition of the resort before the circuit court appoints a receiver in the pending foreclosure suit. 

Q7: I understand the Turtle Bay acquisition also includes the agricultural lands mauka of Kamehameha Highway.  What will the State do with those agricultural lands?
A: The acquisition does include agricultural lands, as well as the resort's sewage treatment facility and water wells mauka of Kamehameha Highway. The vision for the mauka lands is that they will stay in diversified agriculture. 
Q8: I live on leased land in the condos at Turtle Bay.  If the State acquires the resort will I have an opportunity to purchase my fee from the state?
A: The State has no intention of holding the leasehold on the condominiums; it has retained an appraiser and anticipates offering the fee at fair market value.

Q9:  If there isn’t development, what will provide future jobs at the resort and in the surrounding area?
A:  The Governor believes the Hawai‘i Innovation Initiative and her emphasis on achieving energy independence can provide a strong foundation for transforming the economy of the North Shore and our entire state. As she commented in her State of the State, “"It is as certain as night follows day that we cannot speculate or sell ourselves into prosperity," she said. “Instead, we have to be willing to invest in those education and workforce programs that will prepare people to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.”

Q10: How can I get the most current information on the efforts to acquire Turtle Bay?

For more information, visit the Governor’s Turtle Bay website:
E-mail the Turtle Bay Advisory Working Group at:

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