Fire Dynamics - Fire Modeling Course Selection Criteria Change

News Release Date: October 12, 2006

The U.S. Fire Administration's National Fire Academy (NFA) is pleased to announce a change in the student selection criteria and prerequisite requirements for the R203: Fire Dynamics - Fire Modeling course. The change now qualifies those who have full-time code enforcement responsibility and expands the prerequisite requirements to include completion of the NFA's Evaluating Performance-Based Designs course or have earned a four-year Fire Protection Engineering Degree.

"It is our intention that these changes will present more opportunities for training for code enforcement officers and others in the code enforcement field," said NFA Superintendent Dr. Denis Onieal. "If you meet these new criteria, I encourage you to apply during our next open application period."

The current student selection and prerequisite criteria for R203 and all NFA courses is available online through the NFA Course Schedule Database. Application information is also available on that site. The next open application period is November 1 - December 31, 2006 for classes running from April 1 - September 30, 2007.