The Day of Science will not be held in 2008. Please check this Web site again after January 2009 for information on the 2009 Day of Science.


2007 DOE Day of Science
October 29, 2007

Hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory at the Knoxville Convention Center

Reimbursement Receipts Due by November 15

Please submit original receipts and documentation for travel reimbursement as soon as possible. You can download the submission forms below:

When complete, please send them to:

UT Battelle
Attn: Carol Leffew
1060COM, MS-6434, Room 166
Oak Ridge, TN 37830-6434

Dr. Raymond OrbachDr. Orbach Welcomes You to the DOE Day of  Science

From Dr. Raymond Orbach, Under Secretary for Science at the U.S. Department of Energy


I am delighted that the Department of Energy is hosting the 2007 Day of Science. This is
a marvelous opportunity for our scientific community to share its knowledge, experience,
new ideas, and enthusiasm with you, America's future scientific leaders. The prospects
for science at DOE and in the U.S. depend in no small measure on the talent and
nurturing of students and teachers from every walk of life, especially you who are here at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory for this event.

The 2007 Day of Science gives you access to job fairs, internship opportunities, options
for closer work with the national labs, and the chance to find out about some ofthe most
exciting new areas in scientific research. And, there is much more packed into this
remarkable day of discovery.

Enjoy your day. And, please think about science as a career.


Raymond L. Orbach

About the DOE Day of Science

More than 1,000 of the nation’s best and brightest students and faculty members from the sciences and other disciplines are expected to attend this year’s U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Day of Science.

The event will showcase internship and career information, research opportunities, hands-on scientific demonstrations, and technical assistance programs form across DOE’s program offices, national laboratories and other facilities.

Day of Science PhotoEvent Features include:

Science Exposition

  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • National Laboratories
  • DOE Facilities

Student Opportunities

  • Summer Internships
  • Co-op Opportunities
  • Semester Internships
  • Graduate School Fair

Postdoctoral Programs

Job Fair

  • DOE interviews for current position openings

Faculty Opportunities

  • Technical Assistance Workshop
  • DOE User Facilities
  • Collaboration Opportunities

Invited Organizations

  • Ames Laboratory
  • Argonne National Laboratory *
  • Brookhaven National Laboratory *
  • Fermi Accelerator National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory *
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Idaho National Laboratory
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory *
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory *
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory *
  • Sandia National Laboratory *
  • Savannah River National Laboratory *
  • Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
  • Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility *
  • Y-12 National Security Complex
  • National Research Council
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
