IBB Office of Civil Rights Homepage

IBB Special
Emphasis Observances

EEO Policy Statement

Employees' EEO Rights and Responsibilities

Sexual Harassment
Policy Statement

The Complaint

Overview of Federal
Complaints Processing

Alternative Dispute

Reasonable Accommodation Procedures

Affirmative Employment and Special Emphasis Programs

EEO-Related Training

Mentoring Program

Program Events

Diversity Leadership Council
Diversity Questionnaire

Diversity Dictionary
Related Links
EEOC Management Directive 715
NOFEAR Act Of 2002




  Delia L. Johnson

Welcome to the IBB Office of Civil Rights (OCR) website.  As Director of OCR, I am responsible for directing the development of proactive strategies aimed at increasing representation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in IBB's workforce.  Included in these responsibilities are directing the development of the IBB's Multi-Year Affirmative Employment Program (AEP), advising the IBB Director and Agency managers on the current state of EEO and AEP activities, overseeing the planning and implementation of IBB's Federal Financial Assistance Program, ensuring that persons with EEO and AEP responsibilities are adequately trained, developing programs to ensure all agency employees are aware of their EEO rights and IBB's EEO objectives, and issuing Final Agency Decisions (called FADS in EEO parlance) on complaints of discrimination.  All of these programs are designed to insure IBB's compliance with all federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) statutes and regulations.  

The OCR staff includes EEO Specialists who process complaints and conduct EEO counseling for IBB employees.  Supporting these OCR Specialists is a pool of volunteer Collateral EEO Counselors from IBB who have been trained by OCR to handle Complaints at the informal stage in order to reach resolution between the parties involved.  For formal complaints, OCR has experienced contractors who conduct investigations that help to provide the background upon which final Complaint decisions are made. 

In addition to Complaints, OCR administers an assortment of outreach programs which include Mentoring, Partners in Education, Affirmative Employment, Special Emphasis, Diversity Training, and Federal Women's programs.  Through the implementation of these programs, it is our goal to assist IBB managers and employees in maintaining harmonious and fair working conditions.  On the website you will find links to EEO legislation, articles on EEO, and explanations of OCR programs.  If you have questions or comments on the contents of this website, please forward them by email to: djohnso@ibb.gov.

I look forward to hearing from you.
