American Headache Society

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Health care provider information found on this website is intended for general reference purposes only. Listed health care providers are limited to those persons who are members of the American Headache Society, and there may be many other qualified providers in the field of headache treatment not listed on this website. The American Headache Society does not provide advice, recommendations or qualification certification about any particular healthcare provider. Inclusion of a provider on this website does not imply referral, endorsement, or recommendation by us, nor does omission of any individual signify disapproval. Although we update the website regularly, we do not guarantee that all health care provider information is current and accurate. You are advised to verify information about a particular health care provider by confirming with the doctor’s office, your current physician, the medical association relative to the doctor’s specialty, and your state medical board. The health care provider database is provided to the public "as is" without guarantee, and we make no express or implied warranties, including without limitation, any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The American Headache Society disclaims any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of its web site, nor are we responsible for the medical treatment or lack of treatment that you receive from any health care provider listed on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.
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