Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Social and Economic Change in Louisiana 1940 - 1990: A Geo-Temporal Analysis of Selected Historical, Social, and Economic Variables

John R. Greene and Michelle V. Morin
Minerals Management Service, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans, Louisiana 70123
e:mail john_greene@smtp.mms.gov


A Minerals Management Service-funded socioeconomic study being conducted by Louisiana State University will provide a large database of historic social and economic data for States along the Gulf of Mexico in late 1996. The geographic area covered by the historic database includes counties and parishes in the States bordering the Gulf of Mexico (i.e., Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the Panhandle area of Florida.) County-level data from the period of 1930-1990 have been collected and, upon completion of the study, will be available for researchers in the Region. Data collection efforts have been focused on a variety of sources including decennial Census data, Census of Governments, special tabulations of the U.S. Census, etc. Data from four broad categories will be compiled into the historic database. These broad categories are demographic, economic, public service, and fiscal data.

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Last update: 11/18/97