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Reforms By Type - State and Tribal Empowerment

Recognizing that there are more hazardous waste sites nationwide than EPA alone can address, and acknowledging the ability of States and Tribes to clean up sites effectively, EPA has implemented a variety of reforms to empower States and Tribes in the cleanup process.

Reform 3-17: Pilot Remedy Selection by Selected States and Tribes

This initiative implements a process whereby qualified States and Tribes are empowered to select remedies at certain Superfund sites, consistent with applicable law and regulations governing cleanups.

Reform 2-10: Voluntary Cleanup Program

This reform supports effective State and Tribal voluntary cleanup programs and promotes cooperation between States, Tribes, and Regions. EPA has provided financial assistance to support State Voluntary Cleanup Program infrastructure and has issued guidance on drafting Memoranda of Agreement between EPA Regions and States.

Reform 2-11 Integrated Federal/State/Tribal Site Management Program

This initiative allows States, Territories, and Tribes to oversee and compel potentially responsible party actions at selected NPL-caliber sites. EPA has signed numerous deferral agreements which defer sites from NPL-listing so that they may be handled by State and Tribal environmental agencies.

Reform 2-12: State/Tribal Superfund Block Funding

This initiative provides greater flexibility to States and Tribes in their use of Cooperative Agreement (CA) resources to conduct or assist Superfund response actions.

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