Technology Transfer at Berkeley Lab
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Available Technologies

Berkeley Lab's researchers devote themselves to fundamental scientific inquiry in a wide range of disciplines.  From this work, technologies with practical applications often result.  See a list of Berkeley Lab technologies available for licensing and/or collaborative research here.


Berkeley Lab seeks as licensees companies that can marshall the requisite capabilities & commitment to successfully commercialize Lab innovations.  Learn more about Berkeley Lab licensing practices, success stories, FAQs, and available technologies here.

Industry-Lab Research Opportunities


Berkeley Lab works with industry on a wide range of research projects.  These opportunities leverage the resources of each party, sometimes with government support.  Learn more about these opportunities here.

How to work with Berkeley Lab


Berkeley Lab works with industry using a variety of mechanisms.  Choose the technology transfer vehicles that will work best for your company here.

  Download a copy of our NEW technology transfer brochure - Partner Smart with Berkeley Lab (1.4 MB, PDF)



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