Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > § 44 - none Patent Cooperation Treaty

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§ 44 - none Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 44ter.1 Confidential Nature

(a) The International Bureau and the International Searching Authority shall not, unless requested or authorized by the applicant, allow access by any person or authority before the expiration of 30 months from the priority date:

(i) to the written opinion established under Rule 43bis.1, to any translation thereof prepared under Rule 44bis.3(d) or to any written observations on such translation sent by the applicant under Rule 44bis.4;

(ii) if a report is issued under Rule 44bis.1, to that report, to any translation of it prepared under Rule 44bis.3(b) or to any written observations on that translation sent by the applicant under Rule 44bis.4.

(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a), the term "access" covers any means by which third parties may acquire cognizance, including individual communication and general publication.

Rule 45
Translation of the International Search Report

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