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Nanostructure Modeling

Nanostructure modeling is the computation of the positions and orbitals of atoms in arbitrary nanostructures.

Accurate atomic-scale quantum theory of nanostructures and nanosystems fabricated from nanostructures enables precision metrology of these nanosystems and provides the predictive, precision modeling tools needed for engineering these systems for applications including advanced semiconductor lasers and detectors, single photon sources and detectors, biosensors, and nanoarchitectures for quantum coherent technologies such as quantum computing. The tight-binding model based upon the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) method provides an accurate atomistic theory for nanostructures.

The nanostructure modeling code has been parallelized.

(bullet) Why Parallelize Nanostructure Modeling?

The tight-binding method is ideal for modeling small nanostructures. However, for modeling nanostructures with more than 25,000 atoms, the method is impractical on sequential computers due to long run times. Significant improvements in run time can be achieved through parallelization.

(bullet) How is the Parallelization Realized?

There are two parts to parallelizing this problem: creating the structure; and solving the Hamiltonian equation. The structure is created geometrically. We parallelize this by dividing the structure into layers. Communication is across layers. The starting point is a cubic structure that encompasses the desired nanostructure; the structure shape is created by pruning away the excess. We parallelize solving the Hamiltonian with PARPACK. The parallel implementation can handle arbitrary nanostructure shapes through an input file specification procedure.

(bullet) What is the Performance of the Parallel Code?

We ran the code on the NIST NBS Cluster of 500Mhz Pentium III processors. Each processor has a Gigabyte of memory. For the structure consisting of three concentric spheres with diameters 3, 4, and 5 lattice units, the timing data closely matches the formula: T = 655.7 + 3116.0/N. T is execution time (in seconds), and N is the number of processors. The non-parallelizable computation time is 655.7 seconds; while the parallelizable portion of the computation uses 3116.0 seconds. Thus the portion of the code that was directly parallelizable with PARPACK is almost 83%.

Two Spheres
Two spheres

Additional images are at: Visualization of Nanostructures

(bullet) Papers/Presentations
(bullet) James S. Sims, William L. George, Steven G. Satterfield, Howard K. Hung, John G. Hagedorn, Peter M. Ketcham, Terence J. Griffin, Stanley A. Hagstrom, Julien C. Franiatte, Garnett W. Bryant, W. Jaskolski, Nicos S. Martys, Charles E. Bouldin, Vernon Simmons, Olivier P. Nicolas, James A. Warren, Barbara A. am Ende, John E. Koontz, B. James Filla, Vital G. Pourprix, Stefanie R. Copley, Robert B. Bohn, Adele P. Peskin, Yolanda M. Parker and Judith E. Devaney, Accelerating Scientific Discovery Through Computation and Visualization II, NIST Journal of Research, 107 (3) , May-June, 2002, pp. 223-245.
Links:  postscript and pdf.
(bullet) Julien C. Franiatte, Steven G. Satterfield, Garnett W. Bryant and Judith E. Devaney, Parallelization and Visualization of Computational Nanotechnology LCAO Method delivered at Nanotechnology at the Interface of Information Technology, New Orleans, LA, February 7-9, 2002.
Links:  pdf and pdf.
(bullet) Garnett W. Bryant, J. Aizpurua, Rui-Hui Xie, Julien C. Franiatte, Judith E. Devaney, W. Jaskolski, M. Zielinski, S. Lee, J. Kim, L. Jonsson and J. W. Wilkins, Designing the Nanoworld: Atomic Scale Simulations of Nanostructures and Nanodevices delivered at NIST Nanotechnology Open House, Gaithersburg, MD, June 20, 2002.
(bullet) Julien C. Franiatte, Judith E. Devaney, Garnett W. Bryant, Steven G. Satterfield and William L. George, Building Nanostructures Interactively in an Immersive Visualization Environment delivered at NIST Nanotechnology Open House, Gaithersburg, MD, June 20, 2002.

(bullet) Parallel Algorithms and Implementation: James S. Sims , Howard K. Hung , Julien Franiatte
(bullet) Collaborating Scientist: Garnett Bryant
(bullet) Visualization: Steven G. Satterfield , Adele Peskin , Julien Franiatte
(bullet) Group Leader: Judith E. Terrill

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Date created: 2002-02-07, Last updated: 2008-07-05.