IMAGEJ archives -- July 2004 (#111)

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.1
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:02:38 -0500
Reply-To:     ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Dirk J. Andres" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Subject: ImageJ appropriate for evaluation of Thin
              LayerChromatopgraphy ?
In-Reply-To:  <[log in to unmask]>

My name is Dirk Andres and I am currently doing my undergraduate research at IUPUI in Indianapolis, IN. I need to know how ImageJ can help me calculate the area of an image (Neurites!). In short, what pluggin might I need and how would I install it for use in ImageJ? Thanks Quoting Martin Bloss <[log in to unmask]>: > ImageJ – appropriate for qualitative evaluation of Thin Layer > Chromatographie-plates ? > > Does ImageJ contain such a function up to now ? > > I want to make a qualitative evaluation of Thin Layer Chromatographie > Plates as JPG-picture with different colored spots. The colour, geometric > appearance (spot, zone (from begin-till end), shadows and Rf-value should > be shown in “Results table”. > > > I know the approach within ImageJ to evaluate Gel-pictures, > but in gels the Rf-Value is not of interest and the gel- > approach is made in gray, > for my application that would mean the colored spots, zones, > shadows (I have to indicate)partly would disappear. > > My approach in ImageJ up to now: > > Open jpg-Picture > Select the rectangular ROI, and then cover the thin > layer chromatogramm from Start-line upwards (important > otherwise the lengths calibration doesn´t work correct). > > Click Function “crop “, that delivers the colored > picture I want to evaluate. > Click “measurements” and select “ Invert- Y-coordinates” > and “Display-Label.” > Click “Straight line selection” and pull (push shift, > produces a vertikal line)) inside picture a line from > start to end of lane. > Click “Set scale “and fill in” Known distance = 1.00 “and > in “Unit of lengths = Rf “ . > Select” cross hair tool (mark and count)”and click the > spots inside the lane. > The results table shows: > > Nr of measurement, Label, X, Y, value > > I only need Label and Y(Rf-Values), how can I remove the other columns ? > > How can I rename Y-Column in Rf? > > How can I generate a further Column to insert the colour of the spots ? > > To indicate a zone that begins I click the” Comment-writer” and > insert "Zone-Start at Rf = " > > followed by the two measurments (start and End of zone) and once again I > click the “Comment-writer” and insert "Zone-End." > > How can I automate this? > > I there a way to get the measurements instantly in > Excel, maybe I there could add the the color of the spot. > > Many question, maybe someone can support some > information, advise about that. Maybe there is a more > elegant way to solve this. > > Many thanks for endurance reading this. > I look forward to hear some statements. Thanks in advance. > > Best regards > > Martin Bloss, Germany > > >

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