IMAGEJ archives -- July 2004

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IMAGEJ archives – July 2004

  1. <No subject>

  2. A suggestion/question

  3. Actions on every windows

  4. Adding buttons to default ImageJ panels

  5. Adding to default ImageJ menu

  6. align images

  7. alignment

  8. analysis of data.

  9. Annoying automatic macro

  10. Antwort: Re: problem: Import Bruker MRI files

  11. Any copyrights on the images

  12. applet crashing

  13. Appropriate for evaluation of Thin LayerChromatopgraphy ?

  14. Automatic adding ROIs to Multi-Measure

  15. Automatic Images Comparison

  16. AVI reader

  17. AW: Chain Code Implementation In ImageJ

  18. AW: Importing Metamorph Stacks

  19. A_3D_editing plugin update and call for help

  20. batch statiscs in stacks?

  21. Calculating average roundness

  22. calling PlugIn with run(String arg)

  23. cardiac image analysis

  24. Chain Code Implementation In ImageJ

  25. Changing color of the line

  26. Citation

  27. closing images without saving changes

  28. color overlay help request

  29. Comparing images

  30. configuration file

  31. correlation coefficient

  32. Create array of FloatProcessor

  33. createShortImage problem

  34. Creating random images

  35. Crop every images

  36. Cropping all windows

  37. customized ImageJ applet

  38. Dcm_Export (dcmie) question

  39. deconvolution of grayscale histogram

  40. DEM images / Stereoscopic reconstruction

  41. Draw Grid

  42. Dynamic Frame

  43. extending the crosshairs (mark and count) tool

  44. Freehand coordinates

  45. getPixel!!!

  46. getTitle !!

  47. Grow selection?

  48. Help with analyzing particles

  49. Help with Cutout in VolumeJ

  50. Help: ParticleAnalysis, labeling with 'area' value instead of 'id'

  51. How to get value from ROI measuremnts

  52. how to import classes to ImageJ

  53. Image tracking using an Roi

  54. ImageJ 1.3.3g and Quicktime 6.5.1

  55. Importing Metamorph Stacks

  56. indexed image naming

  57. Installing Macros

  58. Installing tool in main window that doesn't require an open image

  59. Interleaved file formats (ICS_opener plugin and Nikon ICS files)

  60. JAR compilation

  61. Java2D-Based RMI Imaging Application Programming Set

  62. linux installation problems

  63. Loading and Starting plugin automatically

  64. Looking for a MacOX and Linux tester for an Image_Explorer plugin

  65. macro help

  66. Macro questions

  67. map to black??

  68. Masks for ROI (Re: "find similar" or equivalent)

  69. mean cord length measurement

  70. Measureing blood vessels through multiple slices

  71. Modifying the SynchWindows plugin

  72. motion deblurring plugin

  73. Multiple DICOM files via http. (warning, total newbie to jav a)

  74. Multiple DICOM files via http. (warning, total newbie to java)

  75. new plugin to open an image plus an associated text file

  76. New ROI manager

  77. New Wand selection tool

  78. particle analyzer

  79. Particle Analyzer Issues

  80. Particle shapes

  81. plane subtraction in ImageJ

  82. Plugin stop/continue

  83. Pore size calculator

  84. problem: Import Bruker MRI files

  85. Reg. How to use FlowJ.

  86. removing small objects

  87. Resizing Dialog.

  88. running plugin from command line

  89. runs first image only

  90. Saving Unsigned as Signed Image

  91. SDS-PAGE: Molecular Weight Calibration

  92. Servlet using ImageJ???

  93. setting default scaling?

  94. Stack'n'ROIs

  95. storing 16bit DICOM images once altered

  96. Subject: ImageJ appropriate for evaluation of Thin LayerChromatopgraphy ?

  97. the ibot camera and FWCamAkiz

  98. Threshold on 16 bits images

  99. unsubscribe

  100. vector

  101. vector based drawing

  102. Virus and spam problems

  103. Volumes...

  104. VTK plugins

  105. Wand-selected ROI coordinates in plugin

  106. watershed function sensibility
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