IMAGEJ archives -- December 2004

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IMAGEJ archives – December 2004

Table of contents:

  1. "Set scale..." of stack/Z dimension?

  2. "spatial frequencies" with ImageJ?

  3. 1.33u does RGB to 8 bit conversion different than 1.32j

  4. 1D Fast Fourier Transform Plugin

  5. 3D quantitative VOI tools

  6. 3D Skeletonization

  7. A bug in Wand.autoOutLine(int x, int y)?

  8. a Java environment for ImageJ

  9. about release

  10. Adjust size suggestion.

  11. Applet : how open a multiple image with ImageStack

  12. area calculation: shapes within larger shapes?

  13. Area Calculator

  14. AreaCalculator

  15. auto threshold

  16. automating freehand roi

  17. batch EXIF

  18. black background with arbitrary rotation

  19. Brain lesion volume

  20. Clone Tool?

  21. Comet assay?

  22. Command line issues

  23. Command line issues (2)

  24. Complete lists of DICOM tags

  25. crop 3D image xyz

  26. Curve fitting function: Rodbard

  27. Despeckle ( Thanks)

  28. Despeckle ?

  29. Dicom Thumbnail

  30. error stream

  31. How can I covert 16bit to 8 bit pixel depth.

  32. How to .setPixel(int,int) ?

  33. Hurst coefficient

  34. ImageJ / super-stacks of multiple DICOM series

  35. ImageJ cited in a paper

  36. ImageJ Control of shutter by TTL, RS-232 or USB WIN-XP

  37. ImageJ Grid Cycloid Arc plugin Release 1_1

  38. ImageJ undo improvements?

  39. ImageJ Z series stacks to open in photoshop?

  40. Java 1.4.2 crash workaround

  41. Java 1.4.2 crash workaround (SOLVED)

  42. List of Windows?

  43. Log Base 10 in ImageJ ?

  44. LSM Reader incompatible with ij 1.34

  45. marking objects and computing distances in stacks

  46. Memory allocation

  47. More than one paths specified in -Dplugins.dir

  48. NeuronJ

  49. New: setting a threshold in a macro.

  50. Opening compressed DICOM files

  51. Pixel Array after dilate

  52. pixel to micrometer

  53. plot profile question

  54. Printing Images with ImageJ

  55. problem with ImageJ in Mac OS X

  56. Problems installing Scion Java for ImageJ

  57. putPixel

  58. Recommendation

  59. Reversing Stacks and ImageStatistics

  60. Reversing Stacks ImageStatistics

  61. Roughness of a curved segment

  62. run ImageJ with jview

  63. servlet sanity check

  64. setbatchmode exception and saving with a suffix

  65. Setting Threshold Colour in macro

  66. Sharpen ( again )

  67. speed of imageJ execution in linux

  68. stackWindow/sliceSelector problem

  69. Strange imageJ behaviour when analyse particles

  70. Substack Maker

  71. template matching

  72. Transform J Rotate

  73. Update of "Interactive Surface Plot Plugin" available

  74. Vectors?

  75. Where is the Equalizer?

  76. Will ImageJ work?
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