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Grants to Purchase Vests

The Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program provides grants for law enforcement agencies to purchase vests.

New Body Armor Standard

NIJ has revised the standard for body armor to require rigorous testing of the vests that include conditions of high heat, humidity and mechanical wear before ballistic testing. The standard ensures that the vests police officers wear will continue to protect them as the material ages.
Learn more and read the new standard.

Selecting Body Armor

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Agencies that require their armor to comply with NIJ standards before it is purchased should select models based on the 2005 interim requirements (doc, 4 pages) because certain models previously found to be compliant with earlier requirements of new body armor may not adequately maintain ballistic performance during their service life.

Several resources can help agencies and officers select the armor that best meets their needs:

Date Modified: July 21, 2008