Patents > Search Colections > MPEP > 601.02 Power of Attorney [R-5] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

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601.02 Power of Attorney [R-5] - 600 Parts, Form, and Content of Application

601.02 Power of Attorney [R-5]

The attorney's or agent's full mailing address (including ZIP Code) must be given in every power of attorney. The telephone and fax numbers of the attorney or agent should also be included in the power. The prompt delivery of communications will thereby be facilitated.

A power of attorney may be incorporated in the oath or declaration form when the power of attorney is given by inventors. Otherwise, a separate power of attorney (e.g., PTO/SB/81) should be used. (See MPEP § 402.)


form pto/sb/61. power of attorney and correspondence address indication form

privacy act statement


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