Digital Atlas of Oklahoma

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-23

Digital Atlas cover

Welcome to the Digital Atlas of Oklahoma Web Page!

The purpose of this web page is to provide you with information about the contents and use of this publication.

Computer requirements, data formats, directory structure, and other information concerning the two versions of the Digital Atlas of Oklahoma can be found by clicking on Notes on the ArcView disc and Notes on the transfer formats disc. Links to other subjects are provided below.

What is the Digital Atlas of Oklahoma?

The Digital Atlas of Oklahoma is a CD-ROM that contains digital map data sets covering the State of Oklahoma. One version, the ArcView disc contains the viewer software, ArcView®1, Version 1.0 (referred to as ArcView 1) by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Inc. and allows the user to display any combination of data sets and attributes using selected colors and patterns. Spatial and logical queries also can be performed. Another version of the CD-ROM, the Transfer formats disc, contains the same data in generic nonproprietary formats and a proprietary ARC/INFO export-file format for use with user-provided Geographic Information System software.

How can I get the data?

The CD-ROM is not available anymore, but the data sets can be retrieved from the University of Oklahoma's GEO Information Systems website free of charge.

What is on it?

The Digital Atlas of Oklahoma contains twenty-five data sets that contain varied and useful information about Oklahoma. The digital data consist of points, lines, or areas (called polygons) with associated attributes that provide information about the features.

For example, the CENSUS data set contains population demographics for census block groups collected during the 1990 census. The census block groups are irregular shaped areas defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Each block group has 30 attributes that describe the age, race, housing, income, education, and employment status of people living in the block group. So if we wanted to look at census data for an Oklahoma county there could be 30 maps, one for each attribute.

Another example would be the ELEVCON data set which consists of lines that represent contours showing ground elevation. There are three attributes associated with each contour (line); the elevation in meters; the elevation in feet; and a code indicating the type of contour line.

Users of the ArcView disc can use ArcView 1 to display multiple data sets and attributes at the same time. For example, by simultaneously selecting the STREAMS, ELEVCON, and NAMES data sets the user can see all the streams, rivers, and lakes in addition to the elevation contours (in feet or meters) and the names of all geographic features.

Fourteen data sets are statewide. Eleven of the data sets are divided into 77 data sets, one for each county in Oklahoma.

Brief descriptions of the data sets provided on the Digital Atlas of Oklahoma CD-ROM are listed below. More information is available in the overview file or the individual metadata files. The overview file contains brief descriptions of the data sets and associated attribute information. The metadata files are detailed reports that describe how the data sets were created.

Statewide Data Sets:

ADMINBD -- This data set contains boundaries and codes to identify wildlife refuges, Indian reservations, prisons, military installations, parks, etc.

COUNTY -- This data set contains county boundaries and names.

LATITUD -- This data set contains one degree lines of latitude.

LONGITU -- This data set contains one degree lines of longitude.

OKNAMES -- This data set contains names of geographic features from USGS 1:24,000-scale quadrangles.

QUAD100 -- This data set is an index for USGS 1:100,000-scale quadrangles.

QUAD250 -- This data set contains index for USGS 1:250,000-scale quadrangles.

SHDRLF -- This data set is a shaded-relief image of Oklahoma.

STHOUSE -- This data set contains Oklahoma State House of Representatives district boundaries with names, addresses, and political party affiliation of Representatives.

STSENAT -- This data set contains Oklahoma State Senate district boundaries with names, addresses, and political party affiliation of Senators.

USCONGR -- This data set contains 104th U.S. Congressional district boundaries with names, addresses, and political party affiliation of Congressmen.

USGSSIT -- This data set contains locations and records of USGS stream gages. The records contain location, type, and period of record for 378 stations, but do not contain actual measurement values such as stream discharge or meteorological parameters. Both operating and discontinued stations are included in this data set.

WATRSHD -- This data set contains watershed boundaries and the full 11-digit, 8-digit, 6-digit, and 4-digit hydrologic unit codes.

WEATHER -- This data set contains locations and station records for meteorological stations. The records contain location, type, and period of record for stations, but do not contain actual measurement values such as temperature, precipitation, or other meteorological parameters.

County Data Sets (similar data sets for each of 77 counties):

BIGTXT -- This data set contains text for some cities and highways.

CENSUS -- This data set contains block group boundaries and 34 attributes that provide information about age, race, housing, income, education, and employment of people living in the block groups from the 1990 census.

ELEVCON -- This data set contains all the land-surface elevation contours, in meters and feet, from 1:100,000-scale USGS Digital Line Graph data sets.

ELEVPTS -- This data set contains all the land-surface elevation points, in meters and feet, from 1:100,000-scale USGS Digital Line Graph data sets.

NAMES -- This data set contains names of geographic features from USGS 1:24,000-scale quadrangle. These are the same data as in the OKNAMES data set, but divided by county.

QUAD24 -- This data set contains an index of the USGS 1:24,000-scale quadrangles.

ROADS -- This data set contains lines representing roads and streets. It also can be used to query address ranges and road locations.

SCHDIST -- This data set contains school district boundaries along with; school district code, school district name, 2-digit Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC) Ad Valorem county code, 3-digit OTC Ad Valorem school district code, OTC Ad Valorem reference number, and 2-digit OTC Ad Valorem vo-tech code.

STREAMS -- This data set is a digital representation of streams, rivers, lakes, and other surface-water features in Oklahoma.

TINYTXT -- This data set contains annotation of primary and secondary roads in Oklahoma. The annotation was created for 1:24,000-scale maps and is very small.

TNRGSEC -- This data set contains the boundaries and township-range-section numbers of the Public Land Survey system.

1. The use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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