

family diningMexico Proves a Resilient, Robust Market For U.S. Exports
Long a strong market for American farmers, Mexico imported $6.8 billion in U.S. agricultural, fish and forest products in 2000, and offer still more opportunities, especially in its food processing and retail stores.

pastriesThe Mexican Market for Kosher Foods
The popularity of kosher foods in Mexico is growing.

juiceBeautiful Belize: A Market With Potential
This tiny country presents many opportunities - and some big challenges - to suppliers of its processed and retail food markets.

mixerColombia Still Ranks as the Largest U.S. Market In Central and South America
Amid economic, social and political difficulties, Colombia holds firm as the United States' second largest market for agricultural, fish and forest products, trailing only Mexico in all of Latin America. Its food processing sector offers significant opportunities to U.S. firms.

harborEighty-five and Sunny - Venezuela's Hot For U.S. Foods  and Beverages
Whether you're a seasoned exporter looking to expand your overseas markets or a newcomer just embarking on your export efforts, Venezuela could be your next step in the right direction.

city streetRussian Food Retailers Look to Imports As They Grow
Rapid expansion in Russia's retail food sector should create new opportunities for U.S. export sales.

stock workerPoland's Growing Wine Market
The growing popularity of wine among Poland's 40 million consumers reflect not only closer ties with the West, but also the belief that wine consumption represents a healthy lifestyle.

Trade Notes

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Last modified: Thursday, October 14, 2004 PM


  January 2002
  Volume XIV, No. 1

  Published by
  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  Foreign Agricultural Service

  Priscilla Glynn
  (202) 720-7115

   Priscilla Glynn
   Jill Lee
   Lallie Leighton
   Harold Kanarek
   Donald Washington

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