2008 AUCD Annual Meeting & Conference

Conference image: paving the way
AUCD 2008: November 8-12, 2008 in Washington, DC

This year is a combination of tradition, change, and forward movement; thus the theme of paving the way and building pathways. Whether you have been creating a new path, expanding an existing road, or creating a super-highway by taking interventions to full-scale, we invite you to participate in this year's Annual Meeting by sharing your expertise. We hope that you will submit your proposal for a presentation and help us pave the way!


Trainee Highlights at the AUCD Conference

The AUCD Conference is an amazing learning and networking opportunity for network trainees.  Meeting Directors of other programs, having dinner with trainees from across the country, and learning new information during concurrent and poster sessions are just a few of the benefits of attending. 

Travel Stipends

To help programs support the leadership trajectories of our trainees, AUCD is again pleased to announce the availability of trainee travel stipends.  Trainees are strongly encouraged to discuss this opportunity with their Directors/Training Directors, and faculty are asked to think about a trainee at your LEND/UCEDD who would benefit from attending the conference.  Two types of travel scholarships are offered this year to trainees: select one below to learn more.  At the conclusion of the conference, trainees are required to submit a summary statement to AUCD; excerpts from the summary statements will be used to foster discussions with other trainees who were unable to attend. 

Applications are due October 15.

Trainee Concurrent Session

Concurrent Session (Tuesday, 1:oopm): Changing Demography of the Disability Field, the Role of Associations, and Opportunities for Students and Young Professionals

This special session highlights demographic shifts creating concern about aging of the disability field and the next generation of leaders. It features an interactive discussion among students, early career professionals, and more established professionals concerning the role of associations, mentorship, and career development. Participants will also learn about new resources developed by the AAIDD and AUCD Joint Workgroup on Students and Early Career Professionals.  Learn more here.

Trainee Reception

During a special reception designed specifically for network trainees on Monday evening, AUCD network leadership will officially welcome you to the conference and encourage you to make the most of your time here.  Come have light appetizers and a drink from the bar, and mingle with over 30 of your fellow trainees.  Meeting others with similar interests from around the country is always exciting and enlightening, and the party has frequently been known to spill over to a night on the town!


AUCD Award Nominations

Commitment, dedication, persistence, leadership, motivation, and empowerment -- these words only begin to describe the individuals, organizations, and programs that have made the AUCD network a life-changing force in the field of developmental disabilities. At AUCD's 2008 Annual Meeting, we will again have the honor of recognizing the excellence of those who make a difference during the Awards Ceremony.

  • Nominations are due September 12, 2008.

Sponsors & Advertisers

AUCD invites you to be a part of our 2008 Annual Meeting and Conference, November 8-12, at the Renaissance Washington Hotel in Washington, DC.

Sponsorship of in the AUCD conference will put you in front of more than 500 education, health, allied health, and human service professionals; directors and faculty from over 100 universities across the country; international partners; family advocates; and students.

Download the Sponsor & Advertiser Prospectus to view the opportunities available and the application form. All Sponsors and Advertisers must commit by September 4, 2008; final artwork is due to AUCD by September 12, 2008.


Call for Proposals

Proposals Due: July 11, 2008
Notifications of acceptance: by September 4, 2008

AUCD invites you to submit an application to participate in our AUCD 2008 Annual Meeting. Below are the materials you will need as you prepare to submit your application.

Network Resources
UCEDDs Directory
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, & Service
LENDs Directory
Maternal and Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities
IDDRCs Directory
Developmental Disability Research Centers
Trainee Resources and Opportunities


National Information Reporting System Login
Search NIRS for Network Projects and Products Search


UCEDD Resource Center


Partner Logo

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