

Teaching Export Success, Step by Steppassport
An FAS program takes southern business owners through the process of going global, from creating a business plan to learning terminology.

pastaWheat Leads U.S. Grain Sales in Peru
Pass the pasta - U.S. wheat suppliers step up to the plate in Peru.houses

Benelux Opting for Organics
With organic credentials in their portfolios, U.S. producers can make headway in the Benelux region.

Yugoslavia Sets Liberalization Agenda
Whether you call this Balkan country Yugoslavia or Serbia-   Montenegro, liberalized trade is being served up.

dogCroatian Pets Scarf Down Imported Food
Since Croatia imports almost all of its pet food, U.S. suppliers should check out direct sales to this growing market sector.

Estonia Developing Its Food Processing Sectorproduce
With EU membership in mind, Estonia is looking to West European companies to continue their investments in its food processing sector.


Spain's Fish Market a Catch for U.S. Exporters
If you dine on paella in Spain, the odds are 50-50 that the seafood ingredients were imported.

HOFEX 2003

AAHAR 2003

Trade Notes

Full Magazine in .pdf

Last modified: Thursday, October 14, 2004 PM


  November 2002
  Volume XIV, No. 11

  Published by
  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  Foreign Agricultural Service

  Priscilla Glynn
  (202) 720-7115

   Mary Rekas
   Jill Lee
   Donald Washington

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