

Oct01.1Proposed EU Food Safety Regulations: What It Means for U.S. Exports
Imported foods could face increased scrutiny in the European Union if the regulation is approved by member states.

Sound Science, Smart Solutions: FAS SupportOct01.2 Makes a Difference
Sometimes the most vital "trade talks" involve sharing knowledge, the goal of FAS' Technical Issues Resolutions Fund or TIRF.

Oct01.3Potential and Challenges in the Polish Market
Nearly 40 million consumers and a fast growing economy based  on abundant natural resources and rapid business and industrial developments are making Poland an attractive market. But U.S. exporters face stiff competition here.Oct01.4

Take Time To Write the Label: A Guide for U.S. Exporters 
Yes, the United Kingdom shares a common tongue and much history with the United States, but don't make assumptions when shipping.

Oct01.5Saudi Arabia's Growing Penchant for U.S. Hardwood
With demand accelerating yet lacking forests of its own, this desert nation must import to satisfy its craving for high-quality hardwood.

U.S. Exports to Asia: Making Sales a Snap With MAPOct01.6
When exploring Asian markets, it pays to have a MAP-that  is, FAS' Market Access Program.

Trade Notes

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Last modified: Thursday, October 14, 2004 PM


  October 2001
  Volume XIII, No. 10

  Published by
  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  Foreign Agricultural Service

    Jeanne McLaughlin
    (202) 720-0061

   Priscilla Glynn
   Linda Habenstreit
   Jill Lee
   Jeanne McLaughlin
   Don Washington

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