

Trans World Genetics Wins Madigan Award for U.S.June011 Agricultural Export Excellence
Conferred in recognition of leadership in agricultural exporting, USDA's first Madigan Award was recently presented to a Wisconsin firm.

A Perfect Fit: Vietnam's Leather Industry and U.S. HidesJune012
Vietnam's rapidly expanding footwear industry is importing growing quantities of hides and skins. U.S. exporters should carefully consider this market.

Hide Exports Respond to Love for LeatherJune013
U.S. exports of hides rebounded from two-year slump in 2000, boosted by Asian economic recovery and the ever-growing love for leather.

June014AgExporter's Calendar of Upcoming Trade Shows
You'll want to save this issue's center feature and refer to it throughout the months ahead.


Calendar of Upcoming Trade Shows

Why Should My Company Participate in a Trade ShowJune015
The real question should be, why would you NOT want to participate, considering these five advantages?

Food For Export: FAS' New Partnership With Food Industry Associations
Trade trends in the China market reveal volatility, growth, competition and opportunity.

June016The Czech Republic Offers U.S. Exporters a Window on the Region
With a healthy economy, a sophisticated market and a central location, the Czech Republic can translate into big business for U.S. food exporters who want to establish a national or regional presence.juntoc1g

Multinationals Are Storming the Slovak Market
In the past two years, a revolution has transformed Slovakia's retail food server.

Trade Notes

Full Magazine in .pdf

Last modified: Thursday, October 14, 2004 PM


  June 2001
  Volume XIII, No. 6

  Published by
  U.S. Department of Agriculture
  Foreign Agricultural Service

    Jeanne McLaughlin
    (202) 720-0061

   Priscilla B. Glynn
   Linda Habenstreit 
   Jill Lee 
   Eric Van Chantfort
   Donald Washington 


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