PMID : PMCID Converter

If an article is in PubMed and in PMC, it will have both a PubMed ID (PMID) and a PMC ID. Use this converter to translate one type of ID to the other.

Choose what you want to convert

Enter IDs below or  

Write result to file 

  • If you enter IDs directly, you may enter one per line, or multiple IDs per line, separated by a comma or space (or “;” or “|”).
  • To Get IDs from a Clipboard, you must first search PubMed or PMC and add articles to the respective clipboard. Use this converter to translate one type of ID to the other.
  • Check the “Write result to file” box before clicking the “Convert” button, if you want to save the converter results as a CSV (comma separated values) text file.
  • The result set is sequentially sorted by the order of the input ID.