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Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation


Divisions and their roles


Located in Seattle, the King County International Airport (Boeing Field) is a major center for Boeing Company operations and serves air cargo companies, recreational fliers, charter operations, helicopter services, flight schools, and emergency services.

»Go to the Airport Web site:

Director’s Office

The Director’s Office provides leadership, advocacy, and support to the King County Department of Transportation and its customers.

Fleet Administration

Fleet Administration provides management for the acquisition, maintenance, rental and replacement of King County vehicles and equipment, as well as the purchase and warehousing of parts, road materials, traffic signs, and supplies. It also accounts for countywide fixed assets and the disposal of all surplus property.

»Go to the Fleet Administration Web site:

Metro Transit

Metro Transit is the name more than 1.6 million customers use to refer to King County’s Transit Division. Metro twice has been honored as the best-run large public transportation system in North America.

»Learn more
»Go to the Metro Transit Web site:

Road Services Division

Road Services designs, builds, operates, and maintains roads, bridges, and pathways in unincorporated areas of King County. The division strives to make the county’s transportation system safe and efficient for all uses and modes of travel.

»Learn more
»Go to the Road Services Web site:

Last update: January 30, 2008

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