Privacy Policy
Safeguards and Security Division (SC-31.3)
J-1 Visa Waiver

J-1 Visa Waiver

Keep in mind that DOE should be given six months lead-time from the date of receipt for processing applications. This process will clearly take time so keep in mind when working on the package.

When putting a J-1 Visa Waiver Package together, please include a 3.5 inch floppy disk with the DOE supporting Letter and the Table of Contents (in WordPerfect format) to the package.

To make it easier for everyone to go through the waiver package please use the color tabs that are available at the supply store.

Click here to go to the U.S. State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs.

If there are any questions, comments or concerns, please contact:

Rosalee Williams
Office of International Exchange Visitors Program (MA-45)
Forrestal building room 1F-045
Phone: 202-586-8549

If you still need assistance, please contact:

Lucretia Johnson, at 301-903-9712, or Elizabeth O’Malley, at 202-586-0175


Applicant sends in primary State Department package to include:

  • Fee of $136.00 (U.S. currency) in the form of cashier's check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State (make sure applicant's full name, date of birth, and Social Security Number (if any) is on the money order or check), and drawn on a U.S. bank or other institution.
  • Completed State Department Data Sheet
  • Two self-addressed, stamped, legal sized envelopes.

Send the above package to:

Postal Service:
US Department of State
Waiver Review Division
P.O. Box 952137
St. Louis, MO 63195-2137
Courier Service:
US Department of State
Waiver Review Division
(Box 952137)
1005 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101-1200

The above package should be sent to the State Department prior to sending any paperwork to the Department of Energy. If an applicant chooses to utilize the U.S. Postal Service, we recommend that this package be sent by certified mail.

After receiving from the State Department a notice assigning a Case File Number and an instruction sheet listing the documentation that is necessary for processing the waiver application, applicant sends to the Department of Energy:

  • Copy of State Department notice and instruction sheet
  • Copies of ALL Past IAP-66 Forms
  • Photocopies of any I-94 Entry and Departure cards (front and back)
  • An explanation for any period spent in some other visa status, out of status, or outside of the United States
  • A personal statement regarding applicant's reason for not wishing to fulfill the two-year country residence requirement to which applicant agreed at the time applicant accepted exchange visitor status.
  • Recommendation letters from leaders in the field of expertise (2 or 3, unless the State Department specifies a different number)
  • Laboratory/University/Institution justification for requesting proposed waiver of foreign national
  • Applicant's personal data sheet, resume, curriculum vitae, and publication list.
  • DOE draft Waiver Request Letter (include copy on floppy DISK)
  • A copy of the Data Sheet that applicant filed with the State Department (with the check)

If package is to be supported by a "no objection" statement from the applicant's home country, applicant should ask the home-country embassy to notify the U.S. State Department that it has no objection to the waiver. The "no objection" statement should have the Case File Number on it, and should be sent to: U.S. Department of State, Visa Services, Waiver Review Division, 2401 E Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20522-0106

DOE Cognizant Program Office processes package through channels to obtain concurrences.

DOE Office of General Councel reviews package, makes necessary changes to waiver request letter, and concurs in package.

DOE Office of International Science and Technology Cooperation obtains necessary concurrences and signatures for the DOE transmittal letter and mails package to: U.S. Department of State, Visa Services, Waiver Review Division, 2401 E Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20522-0106. The Office of International Science and Technology Cooperation also sends a file copy of the package to the originating office.