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Department of Transportation

Taxiway Bravo rehabilitation

KCIA staff and our Bravo Taxiway contractor have been working hard this summer on the rehabilitation of Taxiway Bravo. The project involves a pavement overlay using 56,000 tons of asphalt, making utility improvements, reconstruction of several connecting taxiways at the Southwest Airpark, and adding paved shoulders to Runway 13R/31L. We are also upgrading much of the stormwater drainage system with 11,000 feet of new drainage piping, 51 new manholes or storm drain inlets, and two large water-quality vaults. Electrical improvements include the replacement of 13 airfield signs.

Adding paved shoulders to Runway 13R/31L is part of the project because an increase in incidents involving foreign object debris (FOD) on Runway 13R/31L was noted during a recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification inspection. To address this, the FAA is funding the construction of paved shoulders along the center portion of the runway. This has required closure of Runway 13R/31L over the course of several weekends.

Taxiway construction will continue to be carried out in phased increments to concentrate the work area and minimize the closed portions of the taxiway.

Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) are being issued throughout the construction project to provide updates about the project, including details on the alternate taxi routes. These will be posted on this Web site as they become available.

For more information, please contact:

Last update: September 03, 2008

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