Finance and Business Operations Division is one of the five divisions under the Department of Executive Services. Our division has 211 employees organized in five sections, as shown on the chart. We provide a variety of financial services  to King County residents and other governments, and internal services to county employees.

Director's Office

Director's office includes Division Director, Deputy Director, Confidential Secretary, Budget Manager, HR Manager, LAN Administration and Web Services. Ken Guy leads the division.

Benefits and Retirement Operations section

This section manages administration and implementation of state mandated retirement systems. It also coordinates employee benefits.
Cindy Lee leads the section.

Financial Management section

This section manages the county's financial system. Services of this section include Financial Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables and Collections, Accounting Systems Operations/Controls.
Pete Anthony leads the section.

Payroll and Systems Operations section

This section provides King county employees and their families with timely, accurate, comprehensive and integrated human resource and payroll programs. There are two work units operating under this section: Payroll Operations, Payroll Systems Support and Development.
Marsha Knight leads the section.

Procurement and Contract Services section

Procurement has two broadly defined service sections: Goods and Services and Professional and Construction Services. Goods and Services manages the procurement of goods, supplies, equipment, materials and technical consultant services. Professional and Construction Services manages the procurement of construction, architectural/engineering and other professional consultant services. The King County Environmental Purchasing Program provides County personnel with information and technical assistance to help them identify and evaluate economical and effective recycled and environmentally preferable products.
David Leach leads the section.

Treasury Operations section

Treasury is responsible for billing and collection of real and personal property taxes, gambling taxes, local improvement district assessments, receipt and investment of all County and political sub jurisdiction funds, issuance and payment of the County's debt instruments and formulating and implementing related financial policies.
Phil Sanders leads the section.