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October 2007

Read the October 2007 issue (PDF - 2.38 mb)


    Image: Cover of October 2007 issue of FrontLines - Click on image to download PDF
  • Global Child Mortality Plunges
  • Fore Sets Agenda for Change
  • New international education coordinator named
  • Enhanced partner vetting system under consideration
  • World Food Prize goes to innovator in food preservation
  • Agency responds to hurricanes and earthquake in Latin America and the Caribbean region
  • Global child deaths reach record lows
  • Aceh leader reflects on rebuilding and peace in region
  • Iraq’s Provincial Reconstruction Teams focus on boosting local governance
  • Sri Lanka mission helps country recover from natural and man-made conflicts
  • Business registration time cut in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Pakistan middle school rebuilt after destructive 2005 earthquake
  • Marshall Award Goes to Eagleburger and Shultz
  • First Lady Names Countries for Education Initiative
  • Health Services Cut Mortality for Haitian Children
  • 20 Rwandan Coffees Win Awards and Profits for Growers
  • Iraq Provincial Reconstruction Teams


FrontLines is published by the Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs
U.S. Agency for International Development

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Tue, 27 Nov 2007 13:53:06 -0500