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Department of Transportation


Sound Insulation Program

King County International Airport’s Sound Insulation Program was created to reduce noise inside homes that are most affected by airport traffic. The program was a recommendation from the Airport’s Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study and was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on June 22, 2005. This project is funded with FAA and airport funds following federal guidelines. Homes with the greatest noise (highest decibel level noise contour) will be improved first during the life of the program, which is estimated to continue 10-12 years.

The program is voluntary and free. Program staff will contact eligible homeowners in writing to confirm if a residence has been qualified by the FAA. To qualify, interior noise testing must show a home has inside noise from aircraft greater than 45 decibels (dB). Also, single and multi-family homes up to four units must have been built before October 1998. Mobile homes do not qualify for this program.

Program participation forms describe a homeowner’s commitment to complete all legal requirements. (See the Homeowner’s Handbook, linked below, for more program information and sample forms.) If a homeowner cannot be present during the decision-making and installation, a designee can be chosen by submitting a King County Power of Attorney form. If a homeowner chooses not to participate, a King County Waiver of Participation form needs to be completed.

A contract and Avigation Easement are required

KCIA’s design and engineering team will evaluate each qualified residence to determine the specific plan of improvements (known as a Scope of Work) necessary to reduce the interior level of noise to 45 decibels or below. Homeowners who volunteer to participate must sign a Sound Insulation Program Contract that includes this Scope of Work. There is no cost to homeowners for the sound insulation package that can include insulated windows, door retrofitting, and chimney caps.

Homeowners will also be asked to sign an Avigation Easement, which is a required legal document that gives King County International Airport the right to operate aircraft in or near the airspace above property in the noise mitigation area (see Noise Contour map, 371KB PDF). This easement will be filed with the homeowner’s property deed. King County will also perform a title search on qualified residences. (See Avigation Easements FAQ, linked below.) There is no charge to homeowners. A residence will be withdrawn from the program if all required legal forms have not been signed.

Construction phase

After the Program Contract and Avigation Easement have been signed and approved, a construction contractor arranges a schedule to perform the window retrofitting and other insulating improvements to reach the interior noise level objective. Homeowners will always be notified in advance in order to gain access to the homeowner’s property to accomplish, supervise, and inspect the work.

All program contractors will wear airport identification while working at qualified residences in this program. Homeowners are never asked for money or credit card information or asked to sign anything that includes a dollar amount. In addition, no personnel will ever enter a residence while the homeowner is away. Homeowners will receive a maintenance kit with a “how-to” video and written warranty information after all improvements have been completed.

Additional information

Contact us

Sound Insulation Program
King County International Airport at Boeing Field
7277 Perimeter Road S—Main Terminal Building, Second Floor
Seattle, WA  981085

Program inquiries: 206-205-0668
Fax: 206-296-0190
Office hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

Program staff:

Information in other languages

Information about the Sound Insulation Program is available for download in Spanish and Chinese translations via the links below.

Some or all of the documents below are PDF files, which can be viewed or downloaded using Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader software. For more information on getting or using Acrobat, please visit the King County Acrobat help page.

Spanish / Español


Last update: March 24, 2008

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