twppo AMF Point Reyes Closes
Tropical Western Pacific/ARM Mobile Facility Climate Research Sites

After a successful six-month field campaign, the ARM Mobile Facility ended its first deployment on Thursday, September 15, 2005. The site, an old AT&T communications center, was officially returned to the historical landmark’s custodian, Point Reyes National Seashore, on September 29.

John Ryan and Ben Becker of Point Reyes National Seashore, AMF Site Manager Larry Jones, and Tom Muirhead of T&S Locating, who handled general maintenance of the AMF, inspected the site.

The AMF is now heading to its second deployment site, Niamey, Republic of Niger, in West Africa, for a 12-month field campaign. Beginning January 2006, the AMF will participate in the “Radiative Atmospheric Divergence using ARM Mobile Facility, GERB data, and AMMA stations” (RADAGAST) project. In this field campaign, the AMF will be operated beneath the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instruments on the Meteosat satellite in collaboration with the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) experiment.

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