NCCS User Administration Request Form
NASA Center for Computational Sciences
Welcome to the NCCS User Services Group Web-site

NCCS User Administration Request Form
(A GSFC Account Request Document)

Because of the need to have the signatures from the NCCS User Administration Request Form on file, the form must be printed in order to be completed. Please print or type all information. Unless labelled as optional, all items are required. No request can be processed unless all required information is provided. Incomplete forms will be returned to the user for completion.

(N.B. You may wish to review the General Instructions and Information for the NCCS User Administration Request Form, prior to completing the form. Detailed (item-by-item) User Administration Request Form Instructions are also available to assist in the completion of this form. You may find it helpful either to read through all of the instructions before attempting to complete the form, or to read the instructions item-by-item as you complete the form. Each item of the form links to its counterpoint in the instructions.)

Section I: Type of Request

Please check only one of the three items in this section:

1a. _____ Userid Addition:
Do you already have a userid on a NASA computing resource? (Circle one.) Yes. No.
    If you answered, "No" to the previous question, please specify your preferred userid on the blanks provided at the end of this item.

If you answered, "Yes" to the previous question, please provide the userid information for all active NASA userids to which you currently have access. (If necessary, use a separate sheet to include more NASA userids. If you are unsure of the Setup Date, please provide an approximate date.)

(N.B. This information will help the NCCS to avoid duplicating new userid processing--especially for the processing of personnel screening for foreign nationals--and to determine what should be used as your NCCS userid.)

NASA Userid: NASA Location: UID Number: Setup Date:
    You may specify a preferred userid, however, see the Instructions concerning the NCCS Userid Policy. If you would prefer, leave this item blank and the NCCS will determine what should be used as your NCCS userid.
Userid Addition (specify a userid):                
1b. _____ Userid Modification:
    Enter your NCCS userid and state the nature of the modification on the blanks provided. If necessary, refer to Section II of the form.
Userid Modification (specify a userid):                
Nature of Modification:
1c. _____ Userid Deletion:
    A request to delete a userid is a request to remove a userid completely from all NCCS computing systems. Enter the userid to be deleted on the blanks provided. For a deletion request Section II and Section III of the form are optional. See the Instructions concerning the disposition of files of a userid being deleted.
Userid Deletion (specify a userid):                

Section II: System Access

2. NCCS Identification Code Question and Answer:
  See the Instructions concerning the NCCS Identification Code Question and Answer. You must remember the NCCS Identification Code Question and Answer that you choose. The NCCS Identification Code Question and Answer are not being used as a password. The NCCS will provide an initial temporary password for your userid. See the Instructions concerning userid passwords.
Question: ?
Answer: .
3. Access to NCCS Computing Systems:
  Access to the NCCS internal systems (marked with an red asterisk ( * ) below) requires special permission from the NCCS. See the Instructions concerning access to the NCCS internal systems.
NCCS Computing System:
a. Dell PowerEdge 1500SC (calvin) *    
b. Dell PowerEdge 4400 (panini) *    
c. Dell PowerEdge 4400 (webdev) *    
d. Dell PowerEdge 1650 (troy) *    
e. Dell PowerEdge 1650 (login)    
f. SGI Origin 3800 (dirac/DMF)    
g. Linux Cluster (discover)    
4. Access to Non-NCCS Computing Systems:
  For each non-NCCS computing system being requested (i.e. for computing systems not listed at item 3 of the form), please also indicate the System Administrator(s) responsible for the system. (If necessary, use a separate sheet to include more computing systems.)
Non-NCCS Computing System (Node or IP Address): System Administrator(s):
5. Preferred Shell Program:
  More information concerning the shells available on NCCS computing systems is available. If you specify another shell at item 5f of the form, please be aware that it may not be available on the system(s) to which you have requested access at item 3 and item 4 of the form.
Preferred Shell Program:
a. POSIX Shell (sh)    
b. C Shell (csh)    
c. Korn Shell (ksh)    
d. Tenex C Shell (tcsh)    
e. Bourne-again Shell (bash)    
f. Other (please specify below):
6. Computational Projects:
  See the Instructions concerning Computational Projects.
Computational Project: Principal Investigator's Last Name:

Section III: User Information

7. User's Name:
  Enter your name as it appears on your U.S. birth certificate, U.S. naturalization certificate or foreign national passport. If you have no middle name(s), enter the code No Middle Name. If you wish you may also provide your preferred nickname.
Last Name: , First Name:  
Middle Name(s):   Nickname (Optional):  
8. Telephone Numbers:
  Enter your office telephone and facsimile (fax) numbers. If you wish you may also provide an alternate office telephone number.
Office Telephone:   Extension:  
Office Facsimile (Fax):   Extension:  
Alternate Office Telephone (Optional):   Extension:  

9.  NCCS Organization Code: _________________________________

10.  Employer: _______________________________________________

11.  NASA Badge Number: ______________________________________

     Badge Color: ____________________________________________

     Issuing NASA Center (e.g. GSFC): ________________________

If you do not have a NASA badge, enter the code N/A .

All users of NASA computing systems or information must complete mandatory basic Information Technology (IT) security awareness training. Each NASA facility is responsible for assuring that their employees and contractors have completed this training. If you do not have a NASA badge, you must complete this training through the System for Administration, Training, and Educational Resources for NASA (SATERN). See the Instructions concerning the completion of SATERN Training.

12.  Electronic Mail (e-mail) Address:


13.  Office Address (if on-site, include GSFC mailstop):




14.  User's Country of Birth:

     User's Current Country/ies of Citizenship:

     (Please list all countries of which you are a citizen.)

If you are not currently a U.S. citizen, you must also submit a Name Check Request Form (NASA Form 531). While completing the Name Check Request Form please keep the following in mind:

  • The Name Check Request Form must be typed. The NASA Security Office will no longer accept handwritten forms.
  • The Name Check Request Form must be mailed by postal mail at all stages of transfer. The NASA Security Office will only accept the original form with signatures. Copies of the form received by facsimile (fax) can not be processed.

Section IV: Authorizations

I, the user, have read and I do understand the provisions for non-privileged access and use of NCCS computing resources, as outlined in the NCCS Computing Resources Rules of Behavior. With my signature below I attest that I will abide by these provisions, and I certify that all information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

In compliance with GSFC Procedures and Requirements (GPR) Security of Information Technology, with my signature below I further acknowledge the following:

  • Unauthorized use of the computing accounts and computer resources to which I am granted access is a violation of Section 799, Title 18, U.S. Code; constitutes theft; and is punishable by law. I understand that I am the only individual to access these accounts and will not knowingly permit access by others without written approval. I understand that my misuse of assigned accounts and my accessing others' accounts without authorization is not allowed. I understand that this/these system(s) and resources are subject to monitoring and recording. I further understand that failure to abide by these provisions may constitute grounds for terminiation of access privileges, administrative action, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.

15.  __________________________________________  ____/____/20__
     User's Signature                            Date

Please obtain your Principal Investigator's signature:

16.  __________________________________________  ____/____/20__
     Principal Investigator's Signature          Date

For NCCS Use Only: The NCCS will obtain the required signature(s) below:
17.  __________________________________________  ____/____/20__
     William (Phil) P. Webster's Signature       Date
     Chief, Computational & Information Sciences and Technology Office
     NASA GSFC Code 606.0

18.  I ____________________ this request for access.

     __________________________________________  ____/____/20__
     Information Technology Security Manager     Date
     NASA GSFC Code 704.0

NCCS Userid: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.

Level of User Privileges: Non-privileged access.       Remote Access Only? __ Yes __ No.

Date Required Documents Submitted to the Security Division: ____/____/20__.

Point of Contact for Updates, Rejections and Return of Request:

     Timothy M. Burch
     NCCS User Services Group
     Electronic Mail:
     Office Telephone:  301-286-9120
     Office Facsimile:  301-286-1634

FirstGov Logo + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
+ Sciences and Exploration Directorate
NASA Logo Curator: Mason Chang,
NCCS User Services Group (301-286-9120)
NASA Official: Phil Webster, High-Performance
Computing Lead, GSFC Code 606.2

Web Location:
Last Modified: Wednesday, 17-Sep-2008 12:17:46 EDT
Reason for Modification: Modified systems access information.