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1. PUAP2225E  -  Understanding Congress (Evening & Weekend)
Explore the roles and function of Congress and review the path of legislation. ... Discuss formal and informal leadership and power politics. ... Further your understanding of how two-party leadership affects legislative goals and policy initiatives. ... Discuss ethics and campaign reform issues. ... View the Term course ...

2. PUAP2281E  -  Sustainable Development (Evening & Weekend)
Receive an introduction to the concept and practice of sustainable development (SD) as a process that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ... What are the fundamental issues of sustainable development facing human societies and the environment? Examine the ...

3. PUAP4439E  -  Technology Transfer: Issues and Processes (Evening & Weekend)
Explore the important role of technology transfer for national and international economic development. ... Study the application of research results to productive uses in industry. ... Examine core issues and fundamental facets of the technology transfer process in relation to the global needs of today. ... Programming, evaluation ...

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