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1. NATH1110E  -  Biology for Naturalists (Evening & Weekend)
Explore basic biological principles and theories with hands-on examples drawn from the natural world. ... The structure, function, classification and adaptations of organisms are discussed and demonstrated with numerous outdoor activities. ... Gain confidence in understanding the living world as you learn the naturalist's way of seeing. ...

2. NATH1115E  -  Bird Life (Evening & Weekend)
Study the life histories and ecology of resident and migrant birds of the Central Atlantic region. ... Emphasis is on birding techniques and identification of our area's birds. ... Bird forms, classification, plumage, and migration are also covered. ... The course features a field trip to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge ...

3. NATH1118E  -  Introduction to Ornithology (Evening & Weekend)
Learn about birds and their special characteristics. ... Study their external and internal anatomy, feather structure, plumage, special adaptations, flight, migration, courtship, mating, nesting, eggs, incubation, care of the young, habitats, ecology, behavior, conservation, evolution, classification, distribution, worldwide birds and bird-related ...

4. NATH1125E  -  Geology (Evening & Weekend)
We may not have the Rockies in our back yard, but we have the roots of mountains that were as high as the Alps. ... Although local earthquakes are rare now, this area broke in two twice and an ocean flowed in. ... Central Atlantic geology tells a story as fascinating as any place on the planet. ... Course lectures introduce ...

5. NATH1130E  -  Insect Life (Evening & Weekend)
Learn to identify insects and discover their roles in the balance of nature. ... Study their histories, the ecologies of important insect forms, the necessity of insects in biotic communities and principal insect families of the Central Atlantic region. ... This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Natural History ...

6. NATH1135E  -  Spring Flower Identification (Evening & Weekend)
Increase your enjoyment of the season with the knowledge of plant identification and taxonomy. ... Gain an appreciation for the floral diversity of the Central Atlantic region through the study of flower structure and the principal plant families found in this area. ... Field and classroom practice in identifying specimens emphasizes ...

7. NATH1140E  -  Weather and Climate (Evening & Weekend)
Explore a wide range of weather phenomena. ... Learn about weather observation, cloud and weather-based optical phenomena, weather map analysis and forecasting, weather satellite imagery and the weather's role in global and local ecological systems and the environment. ... This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in ...

8. NATH1145E  -  Fall Woody Plant Identification (Evening & Weekend)
Autumn's glory is created by colorful trees and shrubs, so fall is the ideal time to study techniques of woody plant field identification. ... Participants study the major woody plant families and species found in the Central Atlantic's forest communities. ... Field trips feature the use of recognition characteristics and botanical ...

9. NATH1146E  -  Winter Woody Plant Identification (Evening & Weekend)
Winter is an excellent time for woody plant identification. ... Expand your knowledge of winter woody plants through the study of field identification. ... Apply principles of plant taxonomy and use identification keys in classroom and field practice in identifying the trees and shrubs of the Central Atlantic region. ...

10. NATH1149E  -  Summer Wildflower Identification (Evening & Weekend)
From milkweeds and mallows to morning glories and asters, summer presents a diverse array of wildflowers for study of plant family characteristics and ways to identify different species. ... Field trips to two of the area's best locations for summer wildflowers provide an opportunity for practice in the use of identification guides. ...

11. NATH1151E  -  Animal Behavior (Evening & Weekend)
Examine animals' behavior in their natural environments. ... Learn about the physiological bases of animal behavior, differential capacities, experience and inheritance, social behavior and organization, territoriality, orientation and migration, communication, reproduction and the evolution of behavior. ... Examples are drawn from ...

12. NATH1155E  -  Birds of Prey (Evening & Weekend)
Experience the wonder of the fall raptor migration and learn to identify raptors in flight. ... This course will concentrate on species typically found in eastern North America but will also cover additional selected species. ... Study habitat requirements of birds of prey and their relationships to other species. ...

13. NATH1160E  -  Introduction to Ecology (Evening & Weekend)
A fundamental understanding of ecology and the physical and biological principles on which ecosystems depend is essential for any naturalist. ... Learn to interpret the patterns and processes of nature by studying energy flow, food webs, biogeochemical cycles, population dynamics, communities, behavioral and evolutionary ecology, biodiversity, ...

14. NATH1167E  -  Birds of North America (Evening & Weekend)
Study the bird families found in all parts of North America north of Mexico. ... Learn about North American fossil birds; the origins of our bird families; and the conservation of North American birds. ... The course will cover classifications, species, distribution patterns, and migration. ... Preserved bird specimens will ...

15. NATH1175E  -  Living Soil, The (Evening & Weekend)
Knowledge of soils is basic to understanding plant communities and ecosystems. ... Examine the nature of soils and their influence on environment. ... Learn the structure, properties and the classification of soils and the significance of these factors to plant growth and other uses. ... Discover life in the soil, and study ...

16. NATH1195E  -  Birds of the World (Evening & Weekend)
Learn about the avifauna of each continent or region. ... Review the factors that contribute to the climate, geography and topography of each continent or region and how they affect the distribution of birds. ... Study the diversity of families, the number of species, the endemic and/or unique species of each continent, and the conservation ...

17. NATH2175E  -  Butterflies and Their Conservation (Evening & Weekend)
Small-scale conservation projects can do much to help butterflies, whose populations are increasingly impacted by urbanization and other factors. ... Participants will learn to identify butterflies of the region and study the principles of butterfly conservation. ... They will work on plans for their own conservation projects, based ...

18. NATH2201E  -  Evolution (Evening & Weekend)
Explore the genetic basis and investigate mechanisms of evolution, including founder effects, genetic drift, speciation, altruistic behavior, sexual selection, extinction and environmental factors. ... Review the intellectual background of Darwin's theories from Aristotle to Wallace and survey the literature of evolution from Darwin and Huxley ...

19. NATH2206E  -  Estuarine Ecosystems (Evening & Weekend)
Discover the dynamic nature of the estuarine environment through study of the interaction between basic physical, chemical and biological processes in the Chesapeake Bay. ... Explore biological and geochemical cycles and discuss the interaction between nutrients and overall productivity affecting the health of the Bay. ...

20. NATH2207E  -  Freshwater Ecosystems (Evening & Weekend)
Learn about lakes, rivers and wetlands. ... Study the physical characteristics of freshwater habitats and how they shape aquatic communities. ... Visit different freshwater ecosystems and become familiar with the organisms that inhabit them. ... Discussions will focus on pollution and other human impacts to aquatic systems. ...

21. NATH2211E  -  Wetland Ecosystems (Evening & Weekend)
The National Capital area harbors a rich variety of wetlands, ranging from bogs to tidal marshes. ... Become familiar with the landscape and ecological processes that form wetlands and how to identify the plants and animals commonly found in wetlands. ... Gain an understanding of wetland conservation, including wetland restoration, ...

22. NATH2215E  -  Eastern Forest Ecosystems (Evening & Weekend)
Explore the interconnectedness between deciduous and coniferous forest biomes of the mid-Atlantic region. ... Using field studies to augment in-class sessions, you delve into the study of mid-Atlantic forest ecosystems in order to chart this region's environmental uniqueness on a national scale. ... Forest ecosystem topics include: ...

23. NATH2219E  -  Invasives (Evening & Weekend)
Learn about organisms that are non-native to the mid-Atlantic region and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause environmental or economic harm, or harm to human health. ... Primary focus is on invasive terrestrial and aquatic plants. ... Students will receive an overview of the issue, acquire understanding of the multiple impacts ...

24. NATH2225E  -  Grasses (Evening & Weekend)
Explore the biology and identification of grasses, with emphasis on the principal native and introduced species of the Central Atlantic region. ... The ecological and economic significance of grasses is stressed. ... This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Natural History Field Studies. ...

25. NATH2230E  -  Mushroom Identification (Evening & Weekend)
Learn identification, ecological relationships and life histories of mushrooms, as well as techniques of collecting and preserving fleshy fungi. ... Discover edible and poisonous species of the Central Atlantic region and characteristics used to classify mushrooms into families. ... Home or library Internet service is strongly recommended ...

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