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1. MGMT1108E  -  Administrative Procedure (Evening & Weekend)
Cultivate the leadership and interpersonal skills necessary for effective office administration. ... Explore the basics of administrative planning and procedures for supervisory or administrative assistant positions. ... Examine planning, organizing, controlling, staffing and directing. ... Additional topics include the fundamentals ...

2. MGMT1109E  -  Administrative Office Management (Evening & Weekend)
Learn principles and techniques for effective administrative management for supervisory or administrative assistant positions. ... Explore current theories of management and leadership, problem solving, delegation, legislation and agency requirements, budgetary formulation and control, technological applications, personnel selection and appraisal, ...

3. MGMT1120E  -  Project Management (Evening & Weekend)
Acquire skills needed to organize and complete complex and challenging tasks. ... Learn the basic steps to managing projects through the use of case studies and team simulations. ... Master the use of project organization, work breakdown structures, scheduling, PERT analysis and cost estimating. ... Gain an understanding of ...

4. MGMT2223E  -  Establishing and Operating a Small Business (Evening & Weekend)
Gain an understanding of the environment in which small businesses and their owners operate. ... Discuss types of ventures, financial planning and organization. ... Learn procedures for forming a corporation, selecting a location and determining facility requirements. ... Analyze marketing, cost control and legal and government ...

5. MGMT2290E  -  Strategic Management (Evening & Weekend)
Improve your understanding of and obtain practice in interpreting strategic management concepts, processes and procedures. ... Learn how to appropriately apply these ideas in today's workplace. ... Gain a solid understanding of how to formulate progressive, realistic and relevant strategic, operational and functional organizational ...

6. MGMT2339E  -  Introduction to Marketing (Evening & Weekend)
Examine the dynamics of marketing and its role in today's society and business world. ... Gain an overview of markets, consumer behavior, the marketing field, strategic marketing, market research and planning, and target market analysis. ... Study marketing case studies and applications. ... View the Term course schedule. ...

7. MGMT4500E  -  Storytelling Strategies for Organizations (Evening & Weekend)
Once considered an odd idea, organizational storytelling has become widely recognized as a powerful, results-driven tool for success. ... This class will help you discover how narrative forges connections, strengthens relationships, informs strategy, enhances persuasive communication - and ultimately supports improving organizational performance. ...

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