IMAGEJ archives -- May 2002 (#57)

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Message-ID:  <004401c1f90f$9ff9f9f0$730dc4d5@server>
Date:         Sat, 11 May 2002 19:16:43 +0200
Reply-To:     "Dr. Michael D. Abramoff" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Dr. Michael D. Abramoff" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Revisited: RGB to Spectrum/Intensity conversion/ better use HSV
              or HSB

After reading your emails again, I realized that you do not want to select wavelength subsets, but simply objects of a specific color. This is a much easier problem. A convenient solution might by converting the RGB image stack to a HSB stack (which codes for hue (the 'color'), saturation and brightness. You can then use thresholding to select the hue you want, and use the resulting BW image as a mask, which in essence forms your filter. All of this is in ImageJ, and you would not need a plugin for this, except if you want to do it frequently. I hope I didnt confuse you with the wavelength issues. Michael Abramoff _____________________________________________________________________________________ Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD Dept. of Ophthalmology, Room 4A65, Vrije Universiteit University Hospital, 1117, de Boelelaan, 1080 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands [log in to unmask] Image Sciences Institute, Room E01.334 University Medical Center Utrecht, 100, Heidelberglaan, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands [log in to unmask] _____________________________________________________________________________________

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