IMAGEJ archives -- May 2002 (#136)

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Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Wed, 22 May 2002 15:36:48 -0700
Reply-To:     ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Rachel Bearon <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: batch processing of stacks and saving results
In-Reply-To:  <[log in to unmask]>

Thanks for your help Bob! However the plugin you attatched acts in some rather strange ways. Reading through it, I realised that perhaps I didn't make myself clear. The plugin I have written opens up a file (which is a movie so itself is a stack), analyzes the stack, and writes the results of the whole stack to a specfied file. What I am hoping to do is analyze a collection of such files using some kind of for loop in the plugin. The specific problem I came across was how to specify the filename path outside the command. Eg. you can write"Measurements...", "path=/home/rachelb/R14002R.txt"); but I couldn't work out how to do something like path= "/home/rachelb/R14002R.txt""Measurements...", path); which would be a necessary step in the loop. On Wed, 22 May 2002, Bob Dougherty wrote: > Sorry, worng file. I meant to attach this one. > > Rachel Bearon wrote: > > > I would like to process all files in a directory and record the results. I > > wrote the following plugin to process one file at a time, but I would like > > to be able to automatically loop through all files in the directory. In > > the archives I found reference to a method for opening and processing all > > files in a directory, but it didn't seem to allow one to automatically > > save the results to a specified file. > > > > import ij.*; > > import ij.process.*; > > import ij.gui.*; > > import java.awt.*; > > import ij.plugin.*; > > > > public class Macro_ implements PlugIn { > > > > public void run(String arg) { > >"Set Measurements...", "area centroid decimal=3"); > >"Open...", "path=/home/rachelb/R14002R.tif"); > >"Processbugs "); > >"Custom Particle Analyzer", "minimum=4 maximum=20 bins=20 show=Nothing display clear stack"); > >"Measurements...", "path=/home/rachelb/R14002R.txt"); > > } > > > > } > > > > (Processbugs is just a little plugin I wrote which does some image > > calculations and thresholding.) > > > > Thanks in advance for any help! > > > > Rachel > > -- > Robert Dougherty > President, OptiNav, Inc. > (425) 467-1118 > [log in to unmask] > > >

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