IMAGEJ archives -- May 2002 (#135)

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Message-ID:  <817ECBC465CFD211B4FA006097B919A913D6AD@sencornt>
Date:         Wed, 22 May 2002 17:26:21 -0500
Reply-To:     ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       ImageJ Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         Gino Canessa <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Part 10 (DICOMDIR) Plugin - BETA

Hello listers, I've been working on a Part 10 Reading plugin for ImageJ. It uses Java2 (I'm using JDK 1.3.1_01) to present a tree view to the user. From there, you can either open a series as a stack (requires all images to be the same size.. I know, I know.. =), or individual images one at a time. Most of it has been rewritten since the last time I posted a message about it, so it seems to work now. I've been testing it against whatever Part 10 I can get my hands on (and other random pieces of software that use dicomdir's), but it's been rather limited (cd's from 3-4 companies, sw from another 2-3). Similarly, I've been testing it on various Windows (98, NT 4.0, W2k) and Linux (RedHat 6.2+) systems, but only with Sun jre's (the ones included with ImageJ). I also lost my OSX test machine, so you'd have a special place in my heart if you let me know how it goes there. At any rate, I don't have a website setup for it yet, but if anyone is interested in using (read: testing) it, I can send it. Also, if you are replying, I think people would appreciate it being out-of-list (just a friendly reminder : ). Shortly, it will have a home at my employer's website (whenever the web people get to my request), but I figure this will be a good way to get more testing out of the way (on a reduced set of people). I've also been working on a windows launch program that picks up properties from a text file to make it easier to launch ImageJ from Windows (and to enable things like auto-running from a cd). Currently, it works pretty well, but there are a few key features missing (e.g., drag'n'drop (started, but not functional), runtime memory setting (in the properties, but doesn't open the prompt window)). As soon as I can finish those features, I will call that 1.0, but if there's interest in its current state, I can send it out now. Thanks in advance, Gino p.s., Zip compressed, the plugin is about 15 kb and the launcher is about 19 kb (without msvcrt.dll, which should be on your system anyway, but if for some reason beyond the scope of this message you are missing it, you'll need the 159 kb version). If you need it packaged any other way, let me know. Gino Canessa System Analyst Software Engineering Corporation [log in to unmask] 952.854.7175

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