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 Transportation Today

News from King County Department of Transportation
Release date: 
Nov. 8, 2006 - 11 a.m.


Mid-morning update on road closures

The King County Road Services Division reported this morning that some of the more than 44 roads closed at the height of this week's flood have reopened. So far today, crews have been able to reopen NE Woodinville-Duvall Road early this afternoon, with more to follow.

There is also improvement being seen in flooded areas of South King County. Due to receding flows on the Green River, crews have been able to reopen Green River Road SE, a key arterial near Auburn.

Despite these improvements, the King County Roads Division says it will take some time before many roads in low-lying areas can be reopened given the magnitude of flooding that has occurred. These roads will also need to be inspected for possible damage prior to reopening. Residents should continue to monitor road closure updates if they plan to travel.



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Updated:  December 08, 2006

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