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Release date: Jan. 11, 2001

Kirkland-Bothell community update on widening of 100th Avenue Northeast

Plans for widening of 100th Avenue Northeast between Kirkland and Bothell to ease traffic congestion and improve safety will be shared at a community open house scheduled by the King County Road Services Division.

Thursday, January 25
5 - 7 p.m.
Eastside Foursquare Church
14520 100th Avenue N.E.
in Modular D

The segment of 100th Ave. NE to be improved is between Waynita Way NE and NE 145th Street at the north end and NE 139th Street at the south end. King County Road Services plans to widen the existing two-lane road to five lanes to match improvements at both ends. Improvements include a continuous two-way left-turn lane, bicycle widening, curb, gutter, sidewalk, lighting, signal revisions and landscaping. The existing roadway pavement will be reconstructed to provide a smoother and more durable driving surface.

Currently, this segment of 100th Avenue NE is a 22-foot wide, two-lane principal arterial with 8-foot shoulders on both sides. It carries about 18,000 vehicles per day serving as an important transportation link between Kirkland and Bothell. The county's plans call for a 66-foot wide, 5-lane road including a continuous left-turn lane. Construction is scheduled for the spring of 2003, with a budget of approximately $3 million. The county has acquired most of the right-of-way needed for the widening of the road.

Other elements include:

  • Lights, drainage, curb, gutter, sidewalks and bicycle lanes will be constructed on both sides of the roadway.
  • Three detention/retention ponds will be constructed at specific locations along the project to improve the water quality of roadway generated runoff and reduce flooding.
  • Walls will be built to avoid impacting adjacent streams and properties.

Improvements to local mobility include:

  • Congestion will be reduced by the addition of a continuous two-way left-turn lane that will allow for the uninterrupted flow of traffic between intersections. The two additional lanes will expand the current capacity to handle increased volumes during peak traffic periods.
  • Accidents will be reduced by providing consistency in the number of lanes along this corridor.
  • Travel time for all modes will be decreased with the construction of the turning lane that will improve the flow of traffic and reduce congestion at intersections. Transit users will benefit from the improvements as more trips are made by transit rather than SOV.
  • Mobility for the non-motorized users will increase because of the construction of sidewalks and bike lanes and encourage additional usage by the non-motorized community.

For more information about the open house or the road improvement project, please contact Kelly Lindsey at (206) 263-4529.

King County Department of Transportation
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Updated: Jan. 12, 2001

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