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Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §411.540 What are the payment amounts for each of the milestones?

(a) The payment for the first milestone is equal to 34 percent of the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

(b) The payment for the second milestone is equal to 68 percent of the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

(c) The payment for the third milestone is equal to 136 percent of the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

(d) The payment for the fourth milestone is equal to 170 percent of the payment calculation base for the calendar year in which the month of attainment of the milestone occurs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

(e) The month of attainment of the first milestone is the first month in which the individual has the required earnings as described in §411.535.

(f) The month of attainment of the second milestone is the 3rd month, within a 12-month period, in which the individual has the required earnings as described in §411.535.

(g) The month of attainment of the third milestone is the 7th month, within a 12-month period, in which the individual has the required earnings as described in §411.535.

(h) The month of attainment of the fourth milestone is the 12th month, within a 15-month period, in which the individual has the required earnings as described in §411.535.

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Sep 17, 2008

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