Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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  Prunus americana Marshall image
Photographer: Robert W. Freckmann           

Hugh H. Iltis

Michael Clayton

Merel R. Black

Merel R. Black

Merel R. Black

Merel R. Black

Robert R. Kowal

Robert R. Kowal
Family Rosaceae
Prunus americana Marshall
American plum, wild plum
Prunus: ancient Latin name for the plum
americana: for America
County distribution map- click for detailed distribution maps.
Detailed Distribution:
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Status: Native
Plant: perennial shrub

More Information Natural Communities Herbarium Specimens
All Prunus list Ethnobotany Information Google- Images or Text
Prunus americana Marshall f. americana
Prunus americana Marshall var. americana
Prunus americana Marshall var. lanata Sudw.
Prunus mexicana S.Watson, sensu Gleason & Cronquist (1991)

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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